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genre: fluff

pairing: hanako-kun x tsundere! female! reader

warning: lots of kisses (◍•ᴗ•◍)

summary: in which hanako tries to break [name]'s tsundere persona to make her confess her love for him by kissing her.

Hanako notices [Name]'s strange behavior whenever he's around her. When he tries to check her out, [Name] will blush and scoot away from him as she points at him and says. "W-What the hell do you think you're doing you perv?!" Followed by a punch on his face. One time Hanako tried to tease her, the same blush would appear on her cheeks, and [Name] would call him an idiot for messing with her.

[Name] was minding her own business, mopping the bathroom floor, cleaning the toilets, spraying the mirrors with water, and then wiping them up. Hanako walks up behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder and pointing a finger at a foggy spot on one of the mirrors. "You missed a spot." he chuckled.

"I-I know that I was about to wipe it, stupid." [Name] scoffed, wiping the spot with the cloth she was holding. Hanako puts his hand on his mouth, his pointer finger touching his nose, then silently chuckles at her response. [Name] pouted slightly, realizing that Hanako was only doing that to catch her off guard.

The [hair color] haired girl finishes up her cleaning, wiping off the sweat rolling down from her forehead. "Man, that took longer than I thought." [Name] says in an unamused tone as she squeezes out the stored water from the cloth. She turns her head towards Hanako's direction, a stoic expression written on her pretty visuals. "Oi, I'm finished."

"Good work, [Name]~" Hanako floated over to his assistant and patted her on the head. [Name]'s eyes were twitching in annoyance, but deep down she's loving the praise that Hanako was giving her, especially when he's patting her head like that. She lowered her head, twiddling her fingers as her whole face was heating up. "Your ears were turning red by the way~" He said, touching her ears gently.

"H-Hey!" [Name] stammered out, grabbing Hanako's hand and yanking it away. She enclosed her reddened ears using her hands, turning away from the teasing male who's now snickering nearby. "J-Jeez, Hanako-kun..."

"Hehe, cutie..." Hanako smirked.

"I-I'm not a cutie, excuse you!" [Name] retorted, crossing her arms and flipped her hair to the side. Her flustered gaze averted from the apparition boy. "And stop teasing me you slimy perverted brat or else," she murmured under her breath. At that moment she looks so done with Hanako's mischievous antics she could smack the hell out of him.

"Or else what~?" Hanako took her hand on top of his and pulled [Name] closer to him, enveloping an arm around her waist, and grinned at their current position. "Hmm~" he hummed, leaning in a little bit as the tip of their noses were touching.

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