Faceclaim: Alessandro Silverfox
Full Name: Azathoth
Aliases, Nicknames, & Titles: Reality Itself, Oblivion, King Thoth, King of Space, God of Existence, The Omniverse's Glue, The Strongest Supreme Being, Protector of the Omniverse
Species/Domain: Supreme Being of Space, Reality, & Cosmic Power
Age: Exact age unknown; in the billions
Sexuality: Bisexual
Description & Personality:
● Azathoth, being the supreme being of space, reality, and cosmic power, is the second most powerful of his brothers, the first being Clyde. Yes, that is correct, Clyde is more powerful that reality itself, mostly because his powers are reality.
● He is generally rather neutral, not really starting many wars or fights unless he has to in order to defend his territories. However, if you hurt those that he loves, he will not hesitate to absolutely rock your sh*t up massively.
● Azathoth is susceptible to the influence of other dark energies as he is truly neutral and is space itself. There is one story in particular where he was forced to marry an eldritch woman and the eldritch power that was emitted from her caused him to become corrupt, dark, and evil. He heavily abused her daily because of this and eventually, they got divorced so he could marry another woman.
● Azathoth loves motorcycles, leather jackets, and expensive watches. They are his babies.
● Azathoth has created many children called the "Elder Gods", a species of deity much more powerful than normal. They each control a cosmic element(e.g. stars, electricity, black holes, fire, etc.).
● If Azathoth were to be erased or killed(which is impossible) all of space, reality, and everything else would very quickly crumble to nothing. Evil forces would fully take over and destroy everything without him protecting reality and keeping it stable.
Powers & Abilities:
~ Cosmic Manipulation - Azathoth can create, shape, absorb and manipulate cosmic forces and energies to produce nearly any effect he desires, including the manipulation of matter and energy across space and time, the manipulation of the space-time continuum, altering the fabric of reality, the creation of force fields, the creation of inter-dimensional portals and vortexes, psionics, energy projection, and cosmic awareness. He can summon or manipulate comets, meteors, asteroids, moons, planets, stars, nebula, neutron stars, quasars, black holes, white holes, galaxies, antimatter and dark matter. He can generate stellar winds, solar flares, cosmic storms, and invoke meteor showers. He can also empower himself and others by harnessing the power of cosmos. This power can also be used for combat purposes.
~ Cosmic Knowledge - Azathoth possesses immense knowledge of the universe. He is aware of most things such as powerful spells, advanced science, where to find someone, etc. His knowledge exceeds others with the same power. He has the potential to know almost everything.
~ Universal Manipulation - Azathoth can manipulate the entire universe; nigh-infinite bodies of space and time containing vast quantities of baryonic matter, dark matter and antimatter and cosmic energies/forces. It also consists of various celestial bodies made of matter such as stars, planets, asteroids, solar systems, nebulae, galaxies, etc. Azathoth can manipulate all of it!
~ Quantum Manipulation - Azathoth can manipulate quantum physics, a branch of physics that explains the behavior of matter and its interactions with energy on the scale of atoms and subatomic particles. By manipulating quantum physics, he has the potential to utilize phenomenal power by controlling the basic workings of the universe. With quantum manipulation, he can manipulate, create, destroy and shape matter and energy on the smallest of scales, manipulate forces that do not exist in the normal world, manipulate probability on a quantum level, rewrite the workings of various laws of physics to force objects and organisms to obey, create black holes, wormholes to different realms, and possibly the strings that make up the fabric of reality and molecular possibilities. He will be perceived as a god among others but in a scientific manner that is.

عشوائيA book full of gods, goddesses, demon lords, demonic gods, eldritch gods, and other unearthly creatures. Viewer discretion is advised.