Aliases, Nicknames, & Titles: Dark Nature, The Infestation, God of the Worms, Gaea's Dark Son, Vengeance of Nature, The Arthro-Freak, Earth's Infection, The Demise of Humanity, The Infection, The Darkness of Gaea, The Dark Side to Life, The Anti-Human, The Killer of All
Species/Domains: Dark God of All Life & Decomposition
Age: Exact age unknown
Sexuality: Bisexual
Description & Personality:
● Ithar is a dark piece of Gaea that broke off in the beginning of time. It contained all of her anger, vengeance, dark thoughts, and all. It all got personified into a single being who now hates all humans, gods, goddesses, and other forms of highly intelligent life.
● Ithar uses other forms of life to kill his victims. Some examples are filling people's organs with worms, making a hive of hornets sting a being to death, making a species of parasitic wasps make a hive in someone's head and fill it up until it explodes, send a large pride of lions into various beings, and other horrible things. Him killing you should be last on your list of fears, however, as his forms of torture are worse than death itself.
● Ithar was locked away after being broken off of Gaea, but he escaped in the year 2019 and is now wreaking absolute havoc on earth because of his hatred for everyone on it.
● Ithar kills many lifeforms, but he is actually quite loving towards the ones he uses to kill people.
Powers & Abilities:
~ Life Mastery
~ Absolute Life Manipulation
~ Absolute Life Creation
~ Necrosis Inducement
~ Immortality
~ Creation Magic
~ Decomposition Manipulation
~ Elemental Magic
~ Ocean Magic
~ Immortality
~ Supernatural Condition
Likes: spiders, scorpions, hornets, wasps, tigers, lions, carnivorous fish, orcas, venomous snakes, Gila Monsters, the flesh of the innocent, deity flesh, long vines, thorns, poisonous plants, ants, termites, Ojun Thazotl