XI: Lies

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    There has been something up with Cassie these days. As if the whole 'Maddy-look-alike' thing wasn't bad enough. She'd constantly been fidgety with me and continuously, and I mean continously, trying to polish everything about her.

    Her clothes have to look a certain way. Her hair has to be polished. Her makeup has to be on-point. I find it incredibly eerie in a way since this is the first time I've seen her like this. She's trying to impress someone. I just don't know who it is. But I have an aching feeling that I have a great lead. It might be Y/N.

    That possibility makes my skin crawl, and I feel itchy and hot all over like tiny fire ants are on me. I instantly shook my hands and feet. "Yo, are you okay? What was that?" Y/N laughed as she sat down next to me. We have a class together, but I can't seem to focus on her or anyone else. That thing with Cassie has been heavy on my mind. Plus, she's been a little too jumpy around me too. It doesn't take a genius to put two and two together. I'm just hoping I'm wrong about this theory of mine.

    I've steadily been thinking about it. Y/N and Cassie did date, and she did have her first. I hate feeling this way like I'm in second place. I need to know who Cassie so desperately wants to impress. Because if I don't, I feel like I'll never move past it. I'll be on edge every time I'm with Y/N, and it will never progress as far as I want it to.

    "Are you okay? Maddy? Hello?" Y/N waved her hand in my face forcing me out of my overwhelming thoughts. I looked at her and watched as her eyes connected with mine, a bright smile on her face, completely oblivious to the storm raging in my head.

    "Yeah, I'm fine. You? What did you do this morning? You were kinda late." I asked her, trying to pry for more information. Maybe she knows something, or maybe she's a willing victim to Cassie's charms. Who knows, but I do hate that I'm doing this to her. It's an unconscious thing, though. My mouth is way too quicker than my brain.

    "Uh, I just ran into some car trouble. Plus, I had to give my mom a ride. By the way, she was pretty pissed when she found out you stayed over that night." Y/N scratched the back of her head nervously. Seeing her do her little scratch is always cute. A little sign of her embarrassment that I would have found endearing in different circumstances.

    "Don't worry. I'll come by some time and show her how great I am. She'll love me." I purred at her, lying straight up. I'm not good with parents. Any indication of that was my little fiasco with the Jacobs family the night of the carnival. Fuck.

    Gently but quickly, Y/N leaned into me, which was a bit difficult thanks to our seats. But soon, she had her lips gently placed on the right side of my head. Such a warm and inviting gesture that, sadly, I didn't even realize it was so good. Nate always refused to be this sweet with me.

    "I just know she'll love you, Maddy. I know I d-" Y/N was saying, and we both kinda froze on the spot. Thankfully the grumpy old Mr. Peters waltzed right into the room before she finished her sentence.

    Love? Are we even on the stage that we can say to each other? It's only been a few weeks, right? Does she really mean it?

    Love, I repeated it quietly to myself, letting the word sit on my tongue. I've been saying it for as long as I can remember. Oddly, this time I find the word quite heavy. The natural nature to say the word now became foreign and concrete. Shit. Maybe I really do love her.


    "Hey, Cassie! Watchu doing?" I said way too cheerfully as I treaded silently to Cassie, hoping to get some sort of reaction from her.

    "Jesus, Maddy. Don't sneak up on me. Just, uh, gonna have a study thing." Cassie let out an exasperated sigh as she leaned on the lockers, her gaze fleeting to the people walking in the hallway. She's looking for someone but who is it?

    "Study thing? Since when do you actually do those kinds of things" I scoffed as I watched Cassie unravel. Her eyes grew wide, and she had this alarmed look on her face. Her lies have been getting to her, and she's starting to feel the impact of them.

    A few minutes silently flew by in which Cassie just stared at anything but me, not even bothering to dodge my question. Whatever she's hiding must be fucking dark because she never acted this way around me, not even when she accidentally leaked my nudes to Lexi when we were drunk that one time.

    Anger started to take hold of me as I strutted a bit closer to Cassie. My eyes trained on hers as I said, "What the fuck are you hiding, Cassandra?"

    The use of her full name got her attention as she stared at me through her lashes. Not so tough now, are we? I tilted my head as I took my finger and lifted her chin, forcing her gaze on me. "I swear to God, Cassie. It's just one fucking question! Why the fuck can't you answer it?!"

    Cassie instantly shoved me back, stumbling a bit as she shrugged her shoulders. "What the fuck is it to you, Madeleine?" Red blotches quickly appeared on Cassie's face as she shook her head, walking around in a short line and then back and forth.

    This is seriously starting to scare me. Whatever she's hiding can't be that bad. This is crazy. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I harshly grabbed Cassie's arm, forcing her to stop her walking.

    When she finally looked up at me, I saw tears falling down her face in fast drops. What the hell? "Cassie, you're seriously fucking scaring me. What the fuck did you do? Wait, no, what the fuck are you doing?"

    Cassie was just about to answer me when my phone rang. I indistinctively grabbed it and looked at the caller. It was Y/N. Cassie looked at my phone, too, and out of nowhere, said in a shaky tone, "Why don't you ask, Y/N."

    And with that, Cassie broke free from my grasp and walked away from me, leaving me in a daze. Before I could even register her walking away, she'd already quicked her pace, effectively retreating from me. It's not what you think, Maddy. Just calm down.

    Without thinking, I angrily walked toward Y/N's classroom as best as possible, with tears threatening to fall. She has some serious explaining to do. There's a constant throb in my heart, though, and it isn't just because of the possibility of Y/N's betrayal. It's the realization that I let another person come between me and Cassie, my best friend, how did we come to this.


Yo, sorry about the delay. School was busting my ass. And honestly, was in no mood to write, but ya girl is back. Hopefully, for good. Idk. I do be getting lazy these days. Drama is crazy, but as soon as Maddy learns about the "thing," then there'll be some fluff.

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