XII: Dodged the Bullet

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    When Maddy came rushing to me, I thought it was just a joke, but then I saw the look on her face. Sheer sadness displayed on Maddy's face, her eyes holding back tears threatening to fall. My heart started to beat faster the more Maddy approached me. She was just about to speak when Mrs. Denver stepped into the classroom, her hand still on the doorknob. 

    "Madeleine. I don't think you're in this class. Am I right?" Mrs. Denvers tilted her head as she regarded Maddy with a warm smile. Suddenly, she nodded her head towards Maddy. "Yes, I am quite sure you are not in this class, Madeleine. Got confused, dear?" She asked as she strolled towards the front of the room.

    Maddy stared back at Mrs. Denver and nodded her head, a big fake smile on her face as she took a few steps away from me. Without saying one word, Maddy glared at me, the look of sadness quickly replaced with pure anger. Fuck. Before Maddy retreated to the door, she glared at me one last time before she entirely exited. 

    "That was quite odd. Oh, well. Let's get started, yes?" Mrs. Denvers rounded her table and sat her belongings down as quiet chatter filled the room. Most were probably wondering what the hell Maddy Perez was doing in a classroom that wasn't hers.

    I took a breath of relief as I put both hands on my head, trying to calm the rapid racing of my heart. Shit, what is she knows about the bathtub? That's the only possible reason why Maddy was that pissed. I haven't spoken to Cassie at all, and I even went as far as to hide when she would enter a room. I still have no idea why Cassie was in the bathroom with Nate. I have my suspicions, but I'm not entirely sure. 

    I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me, so I slowly turned my head toward the door, and sure enough, Maddy was there. She was glaring at me with fury-filled eyes. I visibly gulped as I forced my gaze to Mrs. Denver. This was going to be a long-ass day. 


    When class ended, I for sure thought that I would be faced with an enraged Maddy, but she wasn't there when I got out. I texted her a quick message and waited a few minutes, but she didn't reply. Is she ignoring me? Are you over, but we haven't even started? 

   I dragged my feet towards the parking lot, hoping that Maddy was just waiting on me so I could give her a ride, but she wasn't there. I leaned back onto the side of my car as I waited a few minutes. I contemplated calling her, but she would probably just ignore it anyways.

    My disappointment slowly shifted to annoyance as I got into my car. Firing the engine, I drove around the neighborhood for a few minutes, trying to calm the storm inside me. My mom would grill me if I went home this pissed. She cared for me way too much. I didn't want to worry her. 

    As I was driving around, I noticed a familiar truck. A scowl immediately appeared on my face as I tried to get a better look. What the fuck was Nate Jacobs doing parked right here? I figured exchanging a few words or fists with the meathead would probably help alleviate some of the annoyance raging inside me. I thought of it as a bit of payback for what he did to Maddy. 

    Maddy. I wonder what she's doing right now. Has she blocked me everywhere? Does she hate me? I didn't get to finish my train of thought as I got out of my car. Because I was just expecting Nate to be doing some sketchy shit, but what I was not expecting was him and Cassie making out. This fucking confirms it. The final nail in the coffin. I fucking figured it out, but did I even want to figure this out? This is too fucking crazy.

    I staggered back into my car, careful not to alarm the rambunctious couple making out in the backseat. Holy shit. This is why Cassie has been acting so fucking weird lately. It was never about Mckay, and it was never about me. It was Nate. All along. Holy fucking shit. I gripped the steering wheel as tightly as I could as I drove back home. 

    Now that I know this, what am I going to do about this information? Telling Maddy would probably be the right thing, but that would mean a messy fallout. Maddy and Cassie were best friends, and I wasn't exactly the best person to tell about this thing. What the fuck am I going to do?

    When I got home, mom wasn't there. Another double shift probably. I fixed myself a quick dinner consisting of a sandwich as I sat on the kitchen counter. While I took a bite of my sandwich, I felt my phone vibrate. Immediately I checked on who sent the message and was a bit disappointed when I realized it was a new group chat. 

    Apparently, it was about the discussion on Rue's sobrierity. They were planning an intervention at Cassie and Lexi's house. I'm not entirely sure how on earth I was supposed to act normally when I saw Cassie, but I'd just have to get through it. I sent a quick reply, saying that I would be there too. Maddy was also in the group chat so I was at least hoping she'd be there too. 

    Before long I was in bed, contemplating once again whether I should call Maddy or not. The exhaustion of the day soon wore me out as I fell asleep clutching my phone, hoping a certain brunette would call me. 

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