Love Is Uncertain

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(Warning: Sexual content ahead)

There he was. My so called prince charming standing right outside my window.

He still has his silver suit on from earlier. He took the jacket off and rolled the sleeves of his white shirt up. He stood with a bunch of red roses in his hand, and when I say bunch, I mean a whole damn lot.

We stared at each other, I contemplated in my head about letting him in. The moonlight was shining on his face, making him look angelic. He pulled out his phone and it looked like he was texting.


•Pls Jenae... Let me in...

I sighed and rolled my eyes. I walked downstairs and put the key in, and I just, paused. Millions of thoughts flooded my mind.

If I open this door, I'm opening the opportunity for Zeec to make things right with me. If I open this door I could also be opening a whole new world, filled with hurt. If I open this door, there would be a high chance that I could start liking him again, maybe even loving him, and that might lead to serious disappointment.
Damn.... that was the first time I admitted I like him.

Question is.... is he worth me letting him in?

There's only one way to find out.

I unlocked and opened the door for Zeec to enter. He entered slowly, closing closing door behind him. He had the roses in his hand.

He was stating at me, his face flushed pink.
I looked down, and I realized I only have my silk pink pajama shorts and top on. They have lace at the bottom. The fabric is really thin, so you could see everything, leaving nothing to the imagination.

"Ummm" I said embarrassed, quickly trying to cover myself up with my arms.

"No no no, don't hide yourself from me. Don't ever hide from me." He said softly but sternly, looking at me dead in the eye. He put the roses down on the floor, taking my arms and pulling them away gently.

"Okay.... so umm.... what'd you want?" I say looking at my fluffy bunny slippers, trying to control my breathing.

"Jenae, I'm so sorry about earlier. I didn't realize what she was doing. I thought she was just being friendly, but even so I should have told her that I'm expecting you. I'm a dick, I know I am, but I'd do anything to make you happy again." He stepped closer and looked me in my eyes.

Fuck those eyes. They made my heart melt, and I completely forgot he hurt me.

"I never want to make you cry like that again." He whispered to me. He picks the roses up, and hands them to me. "Each rose represents a year of my life and death I'd be devoted to making you happy."

I took the roses, it was a pretty big bunch. He said each rose represented a year, I wonder how many roses are there....

"300 roses, I know it's not a lot, but the florist lady said any more than 300 in a bunch, and you'd be carrying a garden." He said. Well that answered my question. He's willing to stay

"Zeec... thank you. Umm let me put these in some water. Follow me." I said slowly turning around and making my way to the kitchen.

I heard his heavy footsteps walking right behind me. He's really thought about this has he.

Once we reached the kitchen, I motioned for him to sit down and make himself comfortable.

I take out a large beautiful pink vase, fill it with water, and put the roses in them. Setting it aside and making it my new centerpiece for the kitchen table. He watched me silently.

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