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    ~ Anaris 2 years old ~
     ~ 3rd Persons POV ~

Anaris watched from behind Maester Luwin's robes as Hodor carried her mother carefully up the stairs and into her room, her mothers cries of agony echoed throughout Winterfell and everyone in the courtyard below now knew she'd gone into labour, Anaris' eyes welled with tears as she watched her mother cry out in pain again, her mothers anguish made Anaris clutch Luwin's robes tighter and the older gentleman looked down at the small child who didn't quite understand what was happening to her mother "Wolfling, go with Septa Mordane while I tend to your mother" he told her gently only making the already stubborn girl shake her head furiously.

"Mama no" she said gripping his robes tighter as Septa Mordane grabbed the young girls hand and tried to get her to follow.

"Come along Anaris, I'm sure Old Nan will be happy to tell you some stories" the Septa tried to guide her away but the young girl stood strong and say no as Maester Luwin went to move away but stopped in his tracks when an idea came to mind to keep both young women happy.

"Wolfling how would you like to help your mother?" Luwin asked making the small girl nodded slightly, he knew her love for her mother was as bright as Wild Fire "if you do everything I tell you then you may come along"

"Promise" the young girl said nodding faster now making the older man smile.

"Then I'll need you to gently dab your mothers forehead with a rag that I will give you, do you understand" Anaris nodded again "your mother has a lot of work ahead of her and she'll need your help" he gently took her hand and squeezed it when Mordane protested.

"Luwin, Anaris is far too young and her lady mother..." but Luwin cut her off in a calm manner.

"Lady Stark will want her daughter there, she has no one, there is no one to be there for her" Mordane's nostrils flared but she kept quiet as Luwin whisked the young girl away "now remember what I told you Wolfling" he looked down and saw her nod with a determination that would grow as she aged, her mother yelled out again as Hodor practically ran from the room past them.

"Hodor" he said kindly when Anaris smiled at him, he touched her shoulder gently and Luwin made his way to her mother who was panting on the bed, her face red with strain as she tried to fight another contraction.

Anaris entered the room and closed the door when Maester Luwin motioned for her to do so, she nodded to Hodor hoping the giant would understand that it would be okay even if she didn't understand what was happening herself "Wolfling, what..." her mother panted as Anaris hurriedly plucked the wet cloth from a bowl of cold water that had been placed by the bed and wrung it out just as Luwin instructed "why are you in here, you shouldn't be witnessing this" her mother let out a grunt but sighed when Anaris placed the wet cloth on her sweat drenched brow and gently wiped her face and back of her neck.

"Mama alright" the girl replied as her mother panted through another contraction, she let go of the cloth with one hand and touched her mothers clenched fists on the bed "breathe" she mumbled when her mother held her breath to push, for some reason Catelyn followed her daughters words.

"The child is almost here My Lady" Luwin said, Catelyn puffed through another contraction that was far worse then any others and a cry filled the room "a boy," Luwin said as Catelyn collapsed onto the bed and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Good, mama, good" Anaris turned to watch Luwin wash the boy and bundle him up before handing him over to his exhausted mother while Luwin fixed her up and made a concoction that would help her recover, Anaris peered at the little boy.

"Robb," her mother whispered, the baby continued to squall until Anaris reached out and gently touched his head and the small boy quietened before opening his eyes "hello little one" Catelyn cooed as the boy twitched but didn't remove his eyes from Anaris who continued to rub his head making him lull into sleep, "you are extraordinary Wolfling" her mother said making the girl giggle and snuggle closer to her mother.

That's where she stayed for many nights, anytime Robb would awaken his unseeing eyes would search for her and he would cry until he found her, Anaris would stay by her mothers side, helping her as much as a 3 year old could but mostly she stayed quiet and watched, learning with intelligent eyes that spoke of the woman she would become.

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