Chapter 8

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We arrived in King's Landing just before midday, the market surrounding the Red Keep was busy and teeming with life as Jaime, Brienne and I stood at the entrance of theR Red Keep, it had been so long since we'd seen this many people in one place and the noise made my ears ring as people tried to sell their wares, I glanced at Jaime who was staring around the area, just marvelling at everything, a man shoved me from behind "Out of the way" he growled at me as he shoved Jaime as well "Step aside, country boy. People working here," the man left them and Jaime held his hand out for me to take.

I grabbed his hand and soothed his knuckles with my fingers, "I have you Jaime" I said, i wasn't ready to face my sisters and it was very clear that Jaime wasn't ready to face his family either.

He nodded and lead the way into the Red Keep, I knew our first stop would probably be Cersei, I would leave them be, while I had once loved Cersei like she was my family my feelings had shifted, knowing Cersei as I did I knew she wouldn't have stopped Joffrey from hurting my sisters or taking my fathers life.

We stopped outside her chambers and I saw the unbridled fear that skittered across Jaime's face like a frightened horse, I knew I had to push Jaime to open the door so I did it for him and we entered the room together, I watched as Cersei stopped what she had been doing and turned at the sound of our foot steps, "Cersei" Jaime mumbled, her gasp barely reached our ears as she took in our dirty clothes and then her eyes locked onto Jaime's stump, he looked down as well and their silence stretched between us.

"I'll leave you two, I'm sure my sisters have been missing me," I went to leave when Cersei's voice stopped me.

"Anaris, I-" I looked at her from over my shoulder and raised an eyebrow as she swallowed harshly "I'm so sorry"

"I thank you for your words but they will not bring me back my family" I kissed Jaime on the cheek and left the room, I went to my sisters chambers but found them empty, both rooms were unoccupied "excuse me?" I called to a servant who was practically running through the corridor, the servant stopped and curtsied "can you tell me where Lady Sansa Stark is?"

"Oh of course, M'lady, she's moved chambers since her wedding" my shoulders stiffened at her words, no, gods no, they had better not have married her to that bastard Joffrey "this way" she turned and lead me away from the royal chambers, causing me to relax minutely who the hell had they married her to.

"Thank you" I said as the servant left my side outside a chamber door, I knocked and held my breath as the door swung open and a dark haired woman scowled at me "hello, I'm looking for Lady Sansa Stark" the woman looked me up and down her sneer growing until a man came behind her and my eyes dropped to meet his "Tyrion" I watched his eyes widen as I drop in front of my brother by name and pulled him into a hug, relieved to see him alive.

"Lady Anaris" his arms came around my back and he held me as tightly as he could "Jaime, is he with you?" He glanced behind me but Jaime was not there.

"Yes, he's with your sister, something has happened though" I glanced at the woman behind Tyrion who was now openly glaring at me, I stood to my full height and gave her a friendly smile "Lady Anaris Lannister" i curtsied at her and I watched the blood drain from her face she mumbled her name in reply and I turned to Tyrion again "so you've married my sweet sister then?" I said with a small chuckle, while I wasn't pleased that they'd married her off like that I was happy because Tyrion would protect her.

"Yes, I'm sorry, we didn't have a choice" I nodded in understanding and he let me into the room, Sansa, clearly not having paid attention to what was going on, was sitting on the window sill staring out at nothing "Sansa, we have a visitor" her head turned at Tyrions voice and her teary eyes met mine.

"Rissy" she gasped before throwing herself into my arms and bursting into gut wrenching sobs "I missed you so much," I smoothed her hair and held her tightly as she sobbed.

"It's alright Sansa, I'm here" I kissed her head and rocked her gently "I have you" I held her until her sobbing stopped and she'd become too exhausted to hold herself up anymore, with her hand maidens help we'd moved to the love seat and I continued to hold her even when Jaime entered the chamber and he murmured lowly to Tyrion about what had happened.

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