Chapter 2 ~ Walk Of Punishment ~

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I was lashed to the leader, a man by the name of Locke, he kept my body closer then necessary as we rode slowly to Harrenhal, his men were loudly singing the Bear and the Maiden fair while Jaime and Brienne were tied back to back on another horse talking to one another quietly.

Locke pulled my body closer to him one more time and I swung my head forward and head butted the back of his skull, he yelped out in pain and turned to glare at me "my lady has fire in her veins" he commented causing his men to laugh louder.

"I have wolf's blood coursing through my veins" I replied with a glare of my own "keep doing what you're doing and it'll be your blood spilled"

"Without your sword you're defenceless, maybe I'll let my men have you for the night," he reached back and touched my leg, causing my teeth to grind "or maybe I'll keep you for myself" apologising to the horse in my head I shifted my body and used my momentum to drag Locke into the mud with me, my side hit the floor and I just moved my leg time so it didn't get landed on, my knee pressed Locke into the mud as I got up and kept my knee pressed into the middle of his back.

"Defenceless am I? I suggest you listen to me well Ser, I was trained by the best swordsmen in all of Westeros and from across the Narrow Sea, I don't need a sword to kill you" I said into his ear before I lent closer and bit into it pulling a chunk off making him yell out "you're just Bolton's glorified lapdog" I shoved his face into the mud and got up looking at the men around us who were staring, I knew I had Locke's blood streaking down my face but I cared little "anyone else?" A few men shook their heads "that's what I suspected"

"We'll bed down here" Locke growled out as he stood up and shook the mud from his cloak, he grabbed two more ropes from another man and tied them tightly around my body as the others went about to set up camp, "be thankful I'm not permitted to kill you, Lady Stark"

"A scrawny little man like you couldn't kill a rabbit" I replied, as he dragged me to the tree Jaime was tied to and forced me to sit next to my husband.

"You were always a vicious one" Jaime mumbled as the men tied Brienne to the tree across from us.

"I get it from my mother" I replied as Locke came back over with a nasty smile on his face, "what now?"

"Just coming to get what I'm owed" he smashed the hilt of his sword against the side of my head and the world bled away to black.

~ Hours Later ~

"Unbesmirched," I heard Locke say as I came to, men were yelling in the distance and Brienne was yelling loudly as well but when I opened my eyes I couldn't see her.

"Not defiled," Jaime replied, as men dragged Brienne back into camp, she had been beaten, her lip was split and she was bleeding, I met Brienne's eyes and asked silently if she was okay, she slowly nodded her head.

"Fancy word for a fancy man" Locke commented with a chuckle making Jaime chuckle as well.

"I hated to read as a child, but my father forced me to study the books every morning before I could practice with sword or horse," Jaime looked at me with a smile "Two hours every day holed up in the maester's chambers. I learned a lot of fancy words" he winked and turned his attention back to Locke.

"I bet you did" Locke smirked "Your father, he'd pay your weight in gold to get you and your wife back?" He looked between Jaime and I suspiciously.

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