~ Chapter 7 ~ (The Bear and the Maiden Fair)

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I spurred my horse to ride faster as I came through the gates of Harrenhal once more, Storm ran full pelt at my side and Jaime with the rest of the men were a ways behind us, I pulled my horse to a stop and looked around the deserted courtyard "Storm, scent" I held a piece of cloth Brienne had given me, her family's sigil on it, Storm huffed and took off to the left, she was silent and quick, I spurred my horse to follow and found a crowd of men around a makeshift fighting pit, the men began to sing The Bear and the Maiden Fair as an animal roared from inside the fighting pit.

"Gods, Ris, you're faster then I give you credit for" Jaime said as he jumped off his horse and we both climbed the stairs that lead up to the ring around the top of the pit, i unsheathed my sword and had it ready as Brienne came into view but so did the animal that was in the pit with her, the bear was far bigger then any I had seen and it was angry, Brienne held a wooden sword, her dress already slashed by the bears claws.

"A wooden sword?" I shouted at Locke who looked over the jeering men and had the decency to actually appear shocked that we'd come back.

"I thought you'd gone," Locke replied as I shoved my way towards the little man, men grumbled at the fact that I was blocking their view.

"You gave her a wooden sword," Jaime shouted from next to me and Locke just shrugged and gestured to the bear who roared again and lunged for Brienne who was out of the way before it could get to her.

"We've only got one bear," Locke said as if it was the most important part of what was happening below us.

"I'll pay her bloody ransom. Gold, sapphires, whatever you want" Jaime growled, as he stepped closer to Locke, "Just get her out of there" Locke quirked an eyebrow but laughed.

"All you lords and ladies still think that the only thing that matters is gold" he shoved Jaime which in turn made me fall back slightly into the men behind me, "This makes me happier than all your gold ever could. And that makes me happier than all her sapphires" he shoved Jaime again and laughed "So go buy yourself a golden hand and fuck yourself with it" the bear roared again and I turned to see Brienne try to fend it off with the wooden sword, it was no match, the bear swiped at it and disarmed her instantly before it pounced at her and knocked her to the ground.

Brienne yelled out and without a moment's hesitation Jaime jumped into the pit, I went to follow him but Steelshanks held me back "he'll be fine M'lady" he levelled a bow and arrow at the beast of a bear and fired an arrow at it while it was distracted with Jaime.

"What the fuck are you doing to my bear?" Locke shouted at Steelshanks as he notched another arrow.

"Lord Bolton charged me with bringing him back to King's Landing alive and that's what I aim to do" he sent a glare at Locke like he was dating him to try and make his job harder then it was.

"Pull her up" Jaime yelled from below us as Steelshanks let loose another arrow, narrowly missing the bears head, I grabbed Brienne's outstretched hand with two other men and hauled her up.

"Hold my legs" I ordered the men as soon as Brienne was safely on the platform, strong hands gripped my ankles and I reached for my husband, Steelshanks let loose more arrows, I snagged Jaime's good hand and reached under his armpit and held on as the men pulled us both up as the bear swiped but missed Jaime, we both collapsed onto the harsh wooden platform and gasped in breaths "never do that again" I told him making him chuckle as he stood and hauled me up with him.

"You know I will" he kissed me and we looked back down as the bear pounded on the wood below us where Jaime and Brienne had been.

"The bitch stays," Locke seethed making me stoop down and grab my sword, I levelled it to his face and glared at him.

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