Chapter 3 ~ Kissed By Fire (part 1) ~

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We travelled from where Jaime had lost his hand, I was lashed to Jaime while Brienne was on her own horse while I had Jaime attached to my back, he'd fallen from the horse and had taken me with him. My side was tender from where I had landed on a rock that was in the mud we had landed in, Jaime had fared worse than I though, he was sullen and ghostly pale, Locke and his men had beaten him for trying to fight back.

We were lead into Harrenhal, the ruined castle was more worse for ware then what I'd heard, while some of the castle was completely destroyed there was more burned then what could've happened centuries ago, the fresh smell of burned flesh made me choke and my eyes water "I've always been terrified of Harrenhal" I said quietly to Jaime who was getting better but the stump of his arm was infected.

He pulled me back against him and snuggled his face into my hair making me sigh happily "it's only rubble and stories" he kissed the back of my head as i eyed our surroundings, I saw some of the usual banners and banner men of my house but no Karstark or Frey bolts, we came to a stop in front of Roose Bolton who was looking more displeased than I'd even seen.

I was ripped from the horse with Jaime and Brienne, all three of us were forced to kneel "Lord Bolton," Locke said with a nasty smirk on his face, I'd kill to be the one to murder that little man "I give you the Kingslayer and his Bitch" Locke has gripped my hair and pulled my head back forcefully while he pushed Jaime down with his foot causing him to fall face first onto the ground, Jaime went without resistance.

"Release her" Bolton demanded his man, who reluctantly released my hair and Bolton came forward to help me to my feet "Pick him up, Locke," he cut my bindings with a small dagger, he turned to Jaime as he was lifted back into kneeling position "You've lost a hand" Bolton observed as Locke laughed like he'd just been told the best joke.

"No, my lord, he has it here" Locke grabbed Jaime's rotting, dismembered hand and waved it in my husbands face.

"Your banner man is a sick bastard, Lord Bolton" I commented as Bolton sighed, he grabbed the hand and ripped it from Jaime's neck before throwing it in Locke's face.

"Take this away" he ordered Locke who just wasn't getting that his liege lord was pissed.

"Send it to his father?" Locke asked with a chuckle which made his man also laugh, I used my new found freedom to snatch the dagger from Bolton's hand and jab it into Locke's throat, my body partially over my husband.

"You'll hold your tongue unless you want to lose it" I growled, Bolton put his hand on my shoulder and moved me away from his banner man who moved away from our group with Jaime's hand clutched in his.

"Cut her free" Bolton said to me, as soon as I did I helped Jaime shakily to his feet "Apologies, my lady, You're under my protection now" I helped Brienne up as well and she nodded to Bolton

"Thank you, my lord," I said and Bolton, in a rare state, smiled slightly at me.

He turned to one of his men who was waiting for him to give orders "Find suitable rooms for our guests, the Kingslayer and Lady Stark will share," he turned to me and nodded "We'll speak later" I replied with my own nod and Bolton began to move away but was stopped by Jaime.

"Lord Bolton" Jaime called from my side making Bolton pause and turn to us again "Is there word from the capital?" Jaime asked and I held my breath, my sisters were at the mercy of Joffrey and if Stannis sacked the city they'd be at his mercy.

"You haven't heard?" Bolton asked with concern causing Jaime and i to shake our heads quickly "Stannis Baratheon laid siege to King's Landing, Sailed into Blackwater Bay, Stormed the gates with thousands of men" he paused in thought "And your sister How can I put this?" He looked down and then looked back up at us "Your sister is alive and well, Lady Stark's sisters as well apparently, Your father's forces prevailed" Jaime sagged against me causing me to stumble as I tried to hold him up.

"Ser Jaime isn't well," he looked to Locke's men who were milling behind us "Take him to Qyburn," when the men grabbed Jaime from my hands and took him to the man Bolton spoke of "Lady Stark, come I have something to show you and then I will take you to your husband" I patted Brienne on the back and followed Bolton away.

"Thank you for looking after Jaime, Lord Bolton" I said as I fell into step next to him, the man threaded my arm through the crook of his and lead me towards a pen.

"No thanks needed Lady Stark, I made a promise to your father," he gestured to the pen in front of us and I met eyes with Storm who was looking at the walls of the pen with displeasure "your lady mother didn't want to take Storm to Riverrun, your Grandfather, Hoster Tulley is dead" I turned to Bolton with a raised eyebrow.

"I knew he was sick but last mother and I spoke she said that the Maester had found something to help with it" I shock my head, the man who raised my mother was a fierce man, good with a sword and loving with his family, but I'd only met him a few times.

"Seems as though he took a turn" he met my eyes "I'm sorry" I sighed and nodded slightly "your things are here as well, you mother thought that when you got to the Capital she would send them to you" he nodded to Storm who was huffing like a she was getting impatient, we both looked at her and she had stretched her neck as far as she could to get to me "she was going to send the Direwolf as well" I laughed and unlatched the pen to let her out.

"A fresh change of clothing is just what I need, and a bath" I looked down at my ruined dress and then at Storm who was nudging me gently, I touched her rough fur.

"I'll get the blacksmith to maintenance on your sword" Bolton said and I undid the sheath and handed it to him, he waved over a squire and gave him instructions while I looked around the area, there were no Karstark banners to be seen.

"If you're looking for any Karstark's you won't find any," I looked at Bolton who held his arm out for me and he lead Storm and I away "the King had him beheaded for killing two young Lannister boys who were prisoners, 13 and 15 year old, the King sent a raven and the Karstark's left" I looked to him and he shrugged "the Frey's left because your brother married that foreign woman" I stopped causing him to stop as well.

"I had a feeling they would marry" I mumbled, a smile growing on my face, Robb had done what he threatened to do and I was proud, he deserved to marry the woman he wanted.

"The Frey's were insulted" Bolton tried to remind me but it just made me smile broader.

"The Frey's are always insulted" I replied with a laugh, "I think they live to be insulted" I laced my arm through his and met his eyes "lead on Lord Bolton, I'd like to see my husband" he sighed deeply and nodded before leading me into the ruined castle.

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