Chapter One- So this is Dreamland

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You gazed out your bedroom window wistfully. Clarence, one of the family's only servants, was helping you pack your bags. 

"I hate this," you sighed, "Leaving my home, my friends, even you, all behind just for some dumb politics,"

You messily shoved another tunic into your suitcase, only for Clarence to quickly seize it and fold it into a neat pile.

You thought about everything you'd have to say goodbye to- the local pub, the few cluster of friends you had made, the cliff you liked to sit on and watch the sun set. But now you and your father were off to a nearby kingdom- dreamland, was it?- in the hopes- no, delusions that they'd help you.

"Well," Clancy began, "The kingdom is called Bankruptia for a reason,"

"You're right.." you attempted to make the best of the situation, "but I just can't help but feel like I'm leaving my entire life behind..."

"In a way, you are,"

"Jeez, Clance, not the most comforting..."

"Oops! Wrong thing to say?"

"Wrong thing to say."

Clarence was always clumsy like that- in fact, he was only hired because he was the cheapest servant your family could employ. 

"(Y/N)!" A booming voice beckoned up the stairs- your father's, "The carriage is leaving!"

"Well..." you sighed again, "This is goodbye,"

"Only for a few weeks!" Clancy desperately tried to lighten the mood, but you had already picked up your bag and had left the room.

"I still don't see why I couldn't just stay with mum." You whined, the carriage clumsily bumping over the dirt path. 

"Because she wont have time for you," the king sternly replied, "We have a kingdom to run, you know."

"Yeah, a kingdom consisting of a few tired servants and a rat." You muttered under your breath, rolling your eyes, "Who even wants to stay in a place called Bankruptia?"

The carriage ride was long, rickety, and boring- to say the least. With nothing to do, your mind had turned to the kingdom you would be staying in. 'Dreamland'.  It sounded like an amazing place, full of fantasy and magic, but knowing the current events, you were sure it wouldn't live up to its name. Apparently, there was a princess there- the same age as you. You prayed she would be cool, or at least somewhat bearable. You had to leave behind your best friend, the least Lady Luck could do in return is give you a temporary replacement. 

Looking out the window, you managed to make out the silhouette of a massive cluster of houses, leading up to a castle perching at the top of a thin cliff. 'That can't be structurally sound,' you thought.

"We're close," your father remarked.

"Yeah," you retorted passive-agressively, "I think I can tell."

It took you about half an hour to complete the rest of the journey. You saw the large kingdom gates come into view, giving you a mixture of excitement and anxiety. 'It does look kinda magnificent..'

But just as quickly as your hopes had been raised, they were dashed back down into the dirt when you entered. Dreamland was bleak and desperate. You saw plague patrols that littered the city; snake oil shops on every corner; beggars that crowded the dirty streets.

"This is where we came for aid?" You observed, "It looks just as poor as ours. What's even the difference?"

"(Y/N)! You are in no position to criticise my decisions." Your father scolded.

"This place blows already!" You mumbled under your breath, "I'd rather gouge my eyes out with a French fry than stay here,"

The carriage climbed up hill, and eventually came to a halt in the palace courtyard. You and your father stepped out, tripping on the rotten wood step. 

"Welcome, your highnesses!" King Zøg addressed you, "Odvall, why don't you escort the prince to his room?"

A tall, thin man dressed in a navy cloak and hat approached you, "This way, your grace," he gestured sternly and beckoned you to follow him up the castle stairs.

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