Chapter 2 - Drama Club (SMALL UPDATE)

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A/N: I'm always so unsure whether I should do second or third person view. I really need to know whats best.

Anyhow, usual warning a about grammatical mistakes and whatnot. Enjoy


After successfully enrolling in his desired clubs, (Y/N) left the principal's office with a small slip of paper in his hand.

As he walked out, Gon informed him that the Drama club would be starting in a few minutes.

Glancing down at the slip of paper, he read the words "Studio three" to himself before neatly folding it and tucking it away in his pocket.

"Guess I'll go check it out for today." He readied to leave.

"Wait, (Y/N)!" You turned around to see who called you, it was Gon.

"I almost forgot, could you please pass by the gardening club and hand this to Haru?" Gon asked, holding out a small pink post-it note.

(Y/N) reaches for the small note.

"Uh.. sure. Where is it exactly?" He asked.

"The gardening club is set in the roof, taking the main staircase should bring you straight to it."

"Got it." He placed the note into his pocket.

"Thank you, you're a life saver." (Y/N) shook his head with a warm smile.

"It's nothing, really." And with that, he left Gon's office and began climbing the long flight of stairs to the roof where the gardening club was located.

He had been lost in his thoughts and hadn't paid much attention to his surroundings.

But as he opened the door to the roof, his attention was drawn back by the stunning sight before him.

The roof was adorned with a dazzling array of flowers, and he couldn't help but be captivated. As he stepped outside, his eyes widened in amazement.

There were so many flowers of different colors and shapes, each one more beautiful than the last. He squatted down to get a closer look, taking in the intricate details of each bloom.

Amidst the sea of flowers, he noticed a single white lily that seemed to stand out from the rest. He couldn't help but fixate on it, wondering what it was about this particular flower that caught his eye.

There were tenths if not hundreds of flowers in there, varying through flashy and beautiful shapes. Suddenly, he heard a voice beside him.

"Oh? I didn't take you as the flower type." Haru said, joining him in admiring the flowers.

(Y/N) turned his head to see Haru looking at him with a smile.

"They're pretty aren't they?" She asked. He nodded, his gaze returning to the white lily.

"They sure are.." He replied softly. She let's out a smile before standing up.

"I didn't knew you were apart of the gardening club!" (Y/N) exclaimed, surprised at the revelation. Haru let out a small laugh.

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