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Warning: mature language, sexual assault

The day had turned to dusk, the sun just beginning to set, the streetlights beginning to flicker on as you made your way home from work. You had stayed late to finish up a project so the twilight-lit streets were different from what you were used to. You had never been nervous while walking home from work, but the alleys seemed more sinister this evening. You tried to shrug off your growing fear, but it was hard since you were always scared. Describing yourself as a coward, was being charitable really. It had always been that way and you didn't anticipate it changing anytime soon.

You should have trusted your gut. As you passed by one of those dark and abandoned alleys, you were pulled by your shoulder and slammed against the side of the building, hidden in the shadows. You tried to scream out, but your mouth was quickly muffled by the hand of the man who loomed over you.

"Today must be my lucky day, so pretty," he said as his eyes traced your body. "I was just gonna take your money, but now..."

You began to struggle, but your eyes widened when you saw sharp claws extend from his hand. He ripped down your right side, shredding your shirt and pants in the process. You screamed from the pain as you felt his claws cut into your skin. 

"Oh, you have a hidden soulmate mark here," the man said, while leering at your exposed hip. "Hopefully, he'll still want you when I'm through."

Tears were streaming down your face, but before the man could touch you, he was suddenly ripped away and thrown against the wall opposite. There was a loud crack as his head hit the concrete wall, thankfully knocking him unconscious. Your body slid down the wall, the relief draining you of your strength. 

"Are you okay?" you heard a voice ask.

You nodded, but began to close in on yourself. You pulled your knees up, wrapping your arms around yourself, and buried your face into them.

"Shit, you're bleeding, you're not okay. Hold on, I'm calling for backup." You heard the man step away and speak into, what you assumed was a phone. He came back quicker than you expected and crouched down next to you, but kept his distance. "Hey," he said in a quiet voice. "I called for a girl to come help you, but it'll take her a couple minutes to get here. I need to check to see how badly that bastard hurt you. Can you show me where you're bleeding?"

Your assumption was that this guy was a pro hero, but you hadn't looked up at him yet. Keeping your head down, you shifted sideways to show him your exposed side. You were still feeling scared, but this hero had saved you. You trusted that he wouldn't hurt you.

"Shit, that's a lot of blood. I've got a small first aid kit, I'm gotta clean you up a bit so I can see how deep the cuts are. Is that okay?" he asked.

You nodded your head again, opening your eyes to see a pair of black combat boots in front of you. The hero pulled out a small box and began wiping the blood from your side gently with a piece of gauze.

"Oh, shit. This is bad. Oh, shit. Shit, shit, shit."

You were starting to get nervous. Just how deep had that guy cut you to make the hero sound so anxious? You looked up and were shocked by the oddly familiar blonde head of hair in front of you.

"Bakugo?" you heard yourself say.

His eyes shot up to meet yours. "L/n? What the hell is this?"

You finally looked to where he was pointing. Oh no. He was staring at the distinctive swirl of green lines that rested on your hip bone. He was staring at your soulmate mark, the mark he had seen nearly every day for the past 20 years. Your eyes widened and met with his equally startled ones. 

Red Strings: A My Hero Academia Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now