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Your first impression of class 1-A was that it was chaotic. Luckily, your laid-back personality allowed you to take it all in stride. After a few weeks you managed to settle in and find your place among your extraordinary classmates. You instantly bonded with Uraraka and the two of you became inseparable friends. Being from a poorer family, the two of you were able to bond over cost-saving measures and the best ways to stretch your meager allowances. You were also both obsessed with finding your soulmate. You noticed Uraraka had a more romantic notion about finding her soulmate, desiring love and affection. But for you, it didn't matter who your soulmate was or what they were like, as long as they stayed by your side. With both parents working non-stop to provide and no siblings to keep you company, you just didn't want to be alone anymore.

You and Uraraka showed each other your marks in the locker room, promising to keep a lookout. Your mark was difficult since it was on your ribs, just below your breast, and always covered up unless you went swimming in a bikini. So the more people who knew what it looked like, the better. Much to your chagrin, months went by with no soulmate. The few boys you had come across with visible marks were not a match to yours. It was a surprise to you, but it seemed like most people had marks in places that weren't always visible. You thought it was pretty crappy, to be honest. Why did fate have to make it so difficult?

On the upside, since arriving at UA, you had done well enough at the sports festival to get scouted, passed your exams and managed to survive an attack by villains for the second time. While both villain attacks had been scary, it led to the implementation of a new dormitory system. Living on campus with all your friends seemed like a dream come true. You knew it had to be better than coming home to an empty house everyday.

And your assumptions proved correct, you were having the time of your life living in the chaos of a dormitory....for the most part. The only downside was living in close proximity to the few people your personality clashed with, mainly Yaoyorozu and Iida. They were both just so uptight and rigid all the time. And, seeing as they were your class representatives, they were in charge and always hounding the rest of the class to keep things tidy and finish your schoolwork before goofing off. Having grown up basically raising yourself, you knew how to keep a house clean and how to cook your own meals. You didn't need someone else to remind you to do your homework. While it irritated you, you kept quiet, not wanting to rock the boat and upset the life you were living.

But a month into living in the dorms, you had all arrived back from completing your licensing exam. Everyone, save the two boys who had failed, were excited and having a hard time settling down. Eventually Iida forced you all to go to bed, but after tossing and turning for an hour, you knew you couldn't sleep. It was too warm in your room and you were still hyped from getting your license. Deciding to fix at least one of the issues plaguing your sleep, you changed out of your pajama pants and t-shirt and threw on a matching tank and shorts set instead, cracking the balcony door open, hoping for a cool breeze that would calm you enough for sleep to arrive.

You were woken by the shrill scream of a fire alarm. You had no idea why a fire alarm was going off in the middle of the night, but considering who your classmates were, anything was possible. Darting out of your room and down the stairs, you made your way outside along with the rest of your sleepy classmates. After standing outside for ten minutes with no answer as to whether you could go back in or not, you found yourself shivering. The early morning air was cold and you hadn't thought to grab anything to cover yourself with. As you vigorously rubbed your hands up and down your arms, you were surprised when something warm was draped over your shoulders.

"You should really cover up, L/n. I would advise wearing warmer clothes to bed."

Was Iida going to scold you for wearing skimpy pajamas? This was where you lived now, you had the right to sleep in comfort. It's not like you came out here dressed like this on purpose. Irritated, you turned to glare at his audacity but his words made you pause.

"You'll get sick," he said, his voice low, as he reached around to pull his pajama shirt closed around you.

Taken aback by his kindness, you looked up at him but froze, eyes wide upon getting a glimpse of his bare chest. Or more accurately the series of stars and swirls that resembled a galaxy that was nestled below his pectoral muscle. Reacting on instinct, your hand shot up to touch the mark at his ribs. The exact same mark, in the exact same place, as your own.

"L-l/n," Iida stuttered out, taking a step back and crossing his arms over his chest, as if you had molested him in some way.

But you followed him, taking a step closer for every step he took backward. You grabbed his arm, tugging it upward so you could get a closer look. Gently running your fingers over it again, you were sure. There was no mistaking that his mark was identical.

"What is the meaning of this? It's quite inappropriate," he nearly shouted while his face turned bright red.

Taking a step back you pushed his oversized shirt to the side and tugged the bottom of your tank top upward.

"L-l/n!" he began stuttering again. "What are you..." he trailed off as he finally realized your intention. His eyes widened when he realized you had pulled your shirt up, just shy of your breast, to reveal a galaxy-like tattoo on your ribs. "Oh." Just as you had done to him, he instinctively reached his hand out to run his fingers over the mark.

"It's a match, isn't it, Iida?" you said with a smile. But your smile disappeared when his eyes met yours and you could see the pure panic in them. "What's wrong? Are you disappointed?" you asked quietly, heart dropping as you worried that could be the case. It had never really crossed your mind before. What if your soulmate didn't want you?

Those worries were erased when your feet left the ground, Iida having scooped you up into his arms, holding you tight against his chest.

"Um, I a-apologize for the sudden closeness, but," he said while adjusting you in his arms, tugging at his shirt as if to cover every inch of your bare skin, "I don't want anyone else seeing my soulmate in such a state."

"And what state would that be?" you asked, your eyebrow raised, daring him to answer that question.

"A, uh," he stuttered, "a state of undress," he said while pushing his glasses up with his free hand and trying to cover the blush once again creeping across his cheeks.

For the first time since you'd known him, you started to think that maybe his uptight ways could be kind of cute. Earlier you were offended when you assumed he wanted you to cover up. Now, seeing him protective and blushing over you warmed your heart a little. You didn't know if it was the soulmate mark at work or if you'd just never noticed before, but he was quite adorable. Especially when he was flustered. Bringing your hand up to caress the side of his face, you smirked while rubbing your thumb across his reddening cheekbone. "I'm wearing pajamas, Iida," you said in a teasing voice. "It's not like I'm naked."

"Y-yes, but," he tugged at the shirt covering you some more, inadvertently brushing his hand down your thigh. He cleared his throat and looked away from you, clearly flustered by both your words and your closeness.

You chuckled but quickly grew more serious. "Hey, you never answered my question. You're not disappointed are you?"

"Of course not. I'm actually more concerned that you'll find me lacking as a partner. I'm not as easy going as you are."

"I would have worried about that too, but the more I think about it, the more I think we'll be a good match. Just, um...." you nervously ran your fingers back and forth over his bare shoulder. Even though it was a scary feeling, you somehow knew that it was okay to be vulnerable with him, that you were safe in his arms. "Promise that you'll stay with me."

A beautiful smile graced his face and he managed to hold you even tighter. "Of course, but I don't think that will be a very hard promise to keep."

Any concerns you might have had were easily put to rest. It had only been a few months since you discovered Iida was your soulmate, but he had been nothing but sweet and devoted. Even though aspects of his rigid personality were still apparent, you found them more endearing than annoying as you had previously. And you absolutely loved to tease and fluster him, much to his dismay. And after going into more detail about your upbringing, he doubled-down on his original promise, swearing to always stay by your side. In return, you promised to cherish him always.

Red Strings: A My Hero Academia Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now