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You had ignored the faint red string for most of your life. It started off as a barely visible thread tied to your pinkie finger. It couldn't even be considered a nuisance as, most of the time, you didn't notice it. But as the years passed, you noticed it had begun to change. The changes were slight, but the string was gradually growing more substantial.

Rumor had it, the closer you were to meeting your soulmate the darker and thicker the string became. You assumed this meant you'd be meeting your soulmate soon, too. You were nervous and excited at the prospect and you began to try and deduce the most likely place you'd eventually run into him. You had just received a letter from UA high school. You were set to enroll into their business course in a few months after receiving multiple recommendations. Your plan was to follow in your father's footsteps and focus on marketing and advertising, specifically, for pro heroes. 

Your passion was photography and you had already made a name for yourself, having had the opportunity to shoot some ads featuring up and coming pros. It was unusual for someone your age, but you took full advantage of the opportunities thrown your way, by nature of having a successful father in the business. It worked in your favor, too, as a lot of the younger pro heroes claimed to be at ease working with you because of your laid-back approach.

You had a couple more photo shoots lined up before you started at UA. With the current state of your red string, you were hopeful that you'd meet your soulmate either at school or at one of your shoots. But much to your dismay, that didn't happen. Your string remained unchanged as you started school and met your fellow business course classmates. You did a shoot with Mt. Lady and knew she would have an entourage of younger people, but no one was attached to your string there either.

A couple months had passed and still nothing, but you realized the string was tangible now. You could reach out and touch it, grab a hold of it...you were tempted to start tugging to see if you could physically drag him to you. And then your homeroom teacher made the announcement and you wanted to facepalm. The UA sports festival...of course.

You hadn't planned to participate at all. The thought of physical activity made you want to die. Your absolute least favorite thing was getting all sweaty and being out of breath. You didn't consider yourself to be unhealthy, but you also weren't exactly fit or athletic at all. Some of your classmates who were athletic wanted to scope out the kids from the hero course up close and personal. You, and most of your classmates, had planned to exit the arena after the introduction and watch from the stands. Business course students had special assignments, based on their area of focus. Those who were marketing focused, like you, had the task of watching the future heroes from the hero course to come up with a marketing plan based on what you saw.

You were sitting nervously in the prep room for your class, fiddling with the string on your pinkie. You wondered if you'd see him today. It was possible he could be from a different class. And as your class was announced and you entered the arena, you found yourself frantically scanning the rest of the classes.

The string...you could see it. You could actually see where it came down and connected to...someone. There were too many other people standing in the way. You began to back up, back towards the exit as Midnight announced the first task would be an obstacle course. You saw a multitude of teenagers begin to line up at the starting line and you began to put more distance between yourself and the rest of them, still searching.

But wait. Wouldn't your soulmate be looking for you, too? You didn't notice anyone else searching among the other students. Did he not care about finding you? He had to notice his string changing, signalling you were close to meeting, right? Or maybe he was one of those people who hated the idea of soulmates. Maybe he wasn't looking for you because he had no desire to find you.

Red Strings: A My Hero Academia Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now