Long time no see - [Nat]

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Y/N x Natasha
No one's POV

Not a request but something I just came up with, so hope you enjoy.

"Shit!" Natasha curses under her breath as she dodged yet another bullet flying past her head, and whilst looking down to see her clip now completely empty.

"Rogers I'm out! And I've got three of them on my tail! Where are you?!" She shouts into the coms.

"On your left" He says breathless as he bolts past her from where she was ducking behind a knocked over table, storming right over to the men who are still in open fire, throwing his shield knocking each one out before catching it right back.

And like always, the duo had successfully taken out each Hydra member in the now very trashed diner.

The pair was sent out on a co op mission to receive intel from a planned coffee date attended by two very high class hydra agents, who where sharing important information about a new weapon being made.

Unfortunately they're cover was blown and within seconds the place was swarmed by Hydra agents.

And to make matters worse, the targets who were attending the date vanished as they were being ambushed, and left no trail to where they had gone.

Walking over to Natasha, Steve held his hand out to help her up.

"Did you catch which direction they took?" She asks as they both sweep around the place.

"No, but I caught their number plate a while back before we came in" He shares as they meet back in the middle.

"Well I think I just found something a little better" She says with her gazed locked on to something laying on the floor.

Following her gaze, Steve looked over to see one of the agents phones laying beside some rubble.

Walking over to it, Natasha picked it up and tried to see if there was a way for her to unlock it.

"Do you think we can get into it?" Steve asks from over her shoulder.

She sighs and shakes her head "No, I've seen this type of device before, it's designed for really high authority" She says and let's her mind wonder as Steve reply's.

"So what are we gonna do, this is the only thing we got out of this" He says sounding frustrated.

"That's not entirely true" Natasha says turning around to face the super soldier.

Steve razing an eyebrow in question, and remains quite to let the redhead further explain.

"I think I know someone who can get this open" She sighs out, clearly whoever it is she has history with.


A Night club in Paris

With the duo landing a few hours ago in France, they stuck on some more blended clothes and left the very bold and eye catching gear at the hotel.

Natasha told Steve a very brief idea of who they were searching for, only telling the super soldier that she has an old friend down in this side of France who may be able to help with cracking open the agents phone.

Upon entering the nightclub that Nat had received word of that her "old friend" might be here, the duo was instantly hit with the loud vibrant music and glitzy atmosphere that the night club held.

They could also feel the heat coming off the pool of bodies dancing around, making the place feel like an oven as they walked in further.

"Stick close or split up?" Steve shouted over the music to Natasha.

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