✦Chapter Two✦

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"Thank you, have a lovely day." Sophie's co-worker, Julie, said to the customers as they left. Once the small family of three were gone, the blond glanced over to Sophie—who was sat behind her on a bench, arms crossed as her head was leaning against the wall. "What time is it?" Pulling out her phone, Sophie answered with an exasperated sigh, "6:15."

"Late? Again?" Sophie nodded, putting her phone back in her pocket. "My shift is supposed to be over at 7, and I'm so tempted to up and leave on the dot." Julie tilted her head. "Why don't you?" She wondered. "Because I get payed extra to stay for ever minute Rich was late." Sophie explained, getting up from her seat. "A little extra pay for this job is nice, I guess."

"Huh," Julie hummed. "Sorry for the spoil, but once you're done training the boss's son, the rest of us will be getting you a little 'sympathy gift' for your troubles." Sophie smirked and shook her head a little. "We all agree, across the board, that guy is insufferable." Julie told, leaning against the counter. "I mean honest, he's the single, biggest-"

Sophie cut Julie off by a sudden, hurried "cut it out" motion. Julie blinked, before turning around to see Richard Jenson walking into the building—untucked uniform shirt and all. Sophie resisted the eye roll as the guy walked up to the counter, planting his hands on the surface. "Right, ready when you are, Miss Manager."

"Don't call me that." Sophie told his for the umpteenth time. He merely called her that out of pure amusement at this point. Richard chuckled, before following Sophie along for the start of his shift, and the end of hers.

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"Ooh, what's this one, mama?" Tina asked, pointing to one of the gifts in the small pile on the coffee table. It was file-shaped with a ribbon and bow tied around it. Ballora took said gift, and positioned it to be in the front of all the others. "This one is very special," She began, her daughters listening intently. "Inside this one are papers that Miss Sophie found. They say things about Uncle Gus & Uncle Fritz, like when they were born, and things about their mama and papa."

"Really?" Ballora smiled and nodded. "We'll be gifting them this one first, and I'm sure they'll be very excited about it." The four 'Minireenas' all glanced back to the gift in question. "Wow...!" Mina quietly exclaimed. Their mother simply laughed a little, before getting up from her spot on the floor. "Bal'?!"

"Yes?" Ballora called back to Ella, who was over in the kitchen. "Where do you keep your candles?!" Ballora shook her head a little, making her way across the hall and into the kitchen. "Let me see..." Ella watched as Ballora rummaged through a few drawers, before pulling out a package of birthday candles. "Didn't look very hard, I see?" Ella gave her older sister a small eye roll, taking the candles. "Thank you." She thanked, in a bit of a drawn out manner. Matching her sister's tone, Ballora answered with, "You're welcome."

"There, that's the last of them." Puppet suddenly announced, having been finishing up with the decorations. Ballora looked over towards his direction. "Oh, they look nice." She commented, giving her husband a smile. He smiled too. "Man, who needs a ladder when you're husband brushes the ceiling every time he stands up straight?" Ella commented without missing a beat, while simultaneously putting the candles on the cake. Puppet shook his head, while Ballora nearly laughed.

"Mama, when'll Uncle Gus Gus and Uncle Fwitz get here?" Lucette asked, having walked into the hall. "Not long now." Ballora answered, before something else coming to her mind. "Actually, I need you girls to help me with one last thing before he does." The three other sisters all came to the hall also, giving their mother their attention.

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The day was over, the moon high in the sky. The party had gone smoothly, and smiles were shared by everyone. In truth, while Gus and Fritz were reading the files 'gifted' by Sophie, everyone was a little nervous about what it could possibly have. Afterall, there had been some files and documents found on other fellow Anthros that contained some heartbreaking things—three of the 'Toys' for example, who had discovered their remaining family were very likely all deceased.

The brothers had gotten lucky, sort of. The document said that they didn't have a very big family tree, showing that biologically speaking, they was born as the only two, unidentical twin children in their small family. However, the papers gave no clear answer about their parents. Some more digging would have to be done. Even with that uncertain answer, Fritz and Gus were still smiling brightly. Probably happy to have some of their questions answered, no doubt.

The rest of the night was spent with some festivities. Ella and Ennard had taken care of the party games, and Ballora had been asked to play a few of the brothers' favorite songs on the piano, since she was "The greatest piano player in all of Newer Home!" according to Gus. Out of modesty, Ballora didn't directly agree, and told about how she'd heard that the Captain of Asgore's Guard, Undyne, was quite the pianist herself in her spare time. To that, Tina suggested that her mother would have to have a piano face off with her someday.

Ballora smiled tiredly, the happy feeling still sticking with her even after everyone had gone home, and now that everyone was asleep. Getting comfortable, she snuggled up closer to her sleeping husband. As he subconsciously wrapped his arms around her, Ballora's pink eyes slowly fell closed as she too dozed off to sleep for the night.

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A.N. Next chapter on Saturday, only if Syberia doesn't take over my life again in the following week-

Until then!

𝓞𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓪 𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓻 (Freedom AU Book 9) [FNAF/UT]Where stories live. Discover now