✦Chapter Four✦

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  Looking out the studio window, Ballora glanced up towards the sky, a bit of a wary look on her face. The blue sky was being hidden by masses of gray clouds, looking as though rain was threatening to fall very soon. However, despite the sudden shift in weather, the temperature outside wasn't half bad. She could still get away with walking home from the studio. If she left now, she'd hopefully make it before the rain hit.

Her phone suddenly pinged. Ballora reached into her sweater pocket, and saw a text from her husband. Unlocking her phone, she then read the message Puppet had sent her. She leaned against the wall, her thumb hovering over the keyboard.

-Is the car outside?

Ballora quietly hummed to herself. She'd nearly forgotten that that was why she was looking out the window in the first place. She turned her attention back outdoors again, this time, however, she scanned the street outside the studio. A couple cars were driving past, though there were hardly any parked nearby the school. No fancy looking cars, anyways. Though, she noticed a convertible with it's top up parked just in view. Before being able to question it, Ballora then noticed Papyrus walking Frisk back to said car. Must belong to him, then.

-No, I don't see it.

-Good. It looks like it's about to rain, do you want a lift home?

Taking a moment's pause, Ballora considered the offer There wasn't much point if she could make it home easily before it even begins to rain. She texted as much to her husband.

-If you change your mind, or get caught in the rain, I'll come get you.

-Thanks. Be home in ten minutes.

-Love you.

With a small smile, Ballora returned the sentiment, before then returning her phone to her sweater's pocket. Grabbing her things, Ballora zipped her sweater up and left the studio to begin her walk home. As she was about to exit the building, her phone suddenly rang. Ballora checked to see who was calling, and was quick to answer when she saw the contact.

"Hello!" She greeted, before the woman on the other end spoke next. "... Is the dress ready?" Ballora asked her. "... Great! I can come pick it up tomorrow." She informed her, before then wondering, "You are open on weekends, right?" The woman gave her an affirmative answer. "Good. I'll be out tomorrow to get it.... Thank you!" Hanging up, Ballora was finally able to continue on her walk—smiling as she went.

A couple minutes passed, when Ballora felt something drip onto her face. Pausing, Ballora's brow furrowed suspiciously. More drops fell from the sky. In a matter of seconds, the rain suddenly started to pick up in speed—droplet falling mercilessly from the cloudy sky. Ballora gasped, already reaching to hold her sweater over her head as her pace suddenly picked up.

Speed walking through the near-downpour of rain, Ballora did her best to try and see where she was going while also keeping her sweater over her head, and her duffle bag on her shoulder. She could already feel the bag sliding down her arm ever so slowly, and to the crook of her elbow. She tried jolting it back up onto her shoulder, but to no avail.

Having been distracted by everything, Ballora hadn't seen the guy who'd gotten out of his car, and who she'd accidentally ran into. "Woah-!" The guy exclaimed, grabbing Ballora by the shoulders to steady her. Stepping back, Ballora apologized with, "Sorry! The rain snuck up on me and..." She trailed off, looking up to see Richard standing in front of her—his sweater's hood having been pulled up assumedly before he got out of his car. "You."

"I was passing through, and saw you practically running in the rain." Richard began, noticing Ballora taking yet another step back. "I thought I'd offer you a lift to where ever you're headed." He told, trying to sound polite as opposed to his off putting demeanor from their last encounter. Ballora took a second to respond, obviously having no trust in getting into this guy's car. "Well, thank you for the offer, but um-"

"Right, so where're you heading?" Ballora held up a silencing hand. "Thank you, but I'll pass." She told him, a little offended that he'd cut her off. Richard gave a small smirk of disbelief. "Seriously?" Ballora nodded, pulling her sweater around herself. Richard shook his head a little. "Come on, it's not like I'm taking you on a road trip. I'm just bringing you home, or whatever."

"I don't live..." Ballora stopped herself before she finished that sentence. "I'm not going home, I'm going to a shop just down the street." She reworded, obviously lying this time around. "Now, unless you have an umbrella you want to lend me, I'll be on my way before I get any more soaked." She told him, already beginning to walk off. Richard thought of something quickly. "Wait!"

Ballora suddenly felt him lightly grab her wrist. She yanked it away, but gave him her attention again. "What?" Richard opened the driver's side door, before continuing. "Let me see what I have." Ballora was already starting to shiver from the cold rain currently drenching her. "Look, it's alright if you don't have one. A little rain never killed anyone."

"It's just, I swear I saw one in here...!" Ballora gave a small, unseen eyeroll. A few more seconds passed, before Richard closed his car's door again. "My bad." He said with a shrug. "Thanks anyways." Before Ballora could finally leave again, she saw Richard hand her a piece of paper. "Have this, at least." Reluctantly, she took it. A... phone number. "You seem nice. Maybe we could meet up for coffee some time?"

"... I uh- What did you say your last name was, again?" Ballora instead asked him, already completely intending to toss the piece of paper later. "Oh. Jenson. Richard Jenson." Ballora's heart nearly stopped. She looked back to him. "Well then, Jenson," She began, trying to subdue the bite in her tone. "Please don't count on it." With that, she turned to continue walking. Richard crossed his arms and shook his head—almost chuckling to himself. Unbeknownst to Ballora, the man had just interpreted her seemingly obvious negative sentiment as a start of her playing "hard to get". With that, he got back in his car, already late to his shift.

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"... Jenson?" Ballora nodded, taking another sip of the warm coffee her husband had made her while she'd changed out of her wet clothes. She could tell by the look on Puppet's face that he was trying to figure out if he'd heard of the guy or not. "I think... I remember now." He began, setting the phone number aside. "Sophie mentioned that Dale has an adult son who she's in charge of training."

"Great." Ballora muttered, rolling her eyes again. "I'm being stalked by the 'devil's imp'." Puppet pulled her into his side. "Not after today." She glanced up to him curiously. "We'll give The Guard a heads up about this, and hopefully they'll put a stop to this." Ballora smiled, leaning into her husband's side a little bit more. "Of course. Would be great if they did."

"Once you're warmed up, we'll head out." Puppet explained, before looking towards the living room—where his daughters were playing together close to the warm fireplace. Raising his voice a little, he added "And maybe we'll get some nicecream while we're out!" The four stopped the game they were playing, each of them immediately glancing towards their dad. Ballora laughed and shook her head. Matching Puppet's volume, she answered with, "Sounds like a plan!"

"Nicecream?!" The 'Minireenas' jinxed with little gasps, excitement clear on their faces. "Once your mother stops shivering, we'll go, alright?" The four sisters exchanged glances, before all getting up. Three of them took off to find every blanket in the house, while one—Tina—rushed to grab her mother by the hand. "Come mama! The fire's nice and warm!"

"I'm coming! I'm coming!"

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𝓞𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓪 𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓻 (Freedom AU Book 9) [FNAF/UT]Where stories live. Discover now