✦Chapter Five✦

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  "You know, if it weren't for all the human giving us weird looks," Ella paused, suspiciously eyeing another guy who was just casually passing them by on the sidewalk. "I'd probably come into the city more often." Ballora gave her sister a side glance at that statement. "I haven't noticed that many people look at us funny." Ella shook her head a little. "Because I've been noticing for both of us."

"Sure." Ballora couldn't help but laugh a little. "How about you try not to be paranoid about every person here and instead just enjoy this outing?" She suggested, locking an arm with Ella's to get her to loosen up a little. "Alright, alright, I will." The red-head complied, accepting the arm-locking gesture.

"It is pretty great to get out like this, just us two." She commented. "Which is why I asked you to come with me." Ballora reminded her. A comfortable silence settled for a while, as the two sisters continued their stroll down the sidewalks of Ebott City. Everything was great. The weather was nice, the foot traffic was light, and the day was overall very pleasant.

"So," Ella began, silence broken. "Is that guy still... stalking you?" There it was. Likely the true reason she'd been eyeing every guy they'd passed since they got off the bus. A small sigh escaped Ballora. "Ells, I don't want you to be worried over this. Especially since the issue's been resolved." She told her. "You're my sister, Bal', I can't help it." Ella confessed. "Well, don't worry anymore. We shouldn't see the guy in town anymore."

"... What does his car look like?" Ballora looked to her sister. "Sorry?" Ella met her sister's slightly confused gaze. "Y'know, just in case the guy decides to drive through town a little too close to the studio again. If I spot his car, I could report him, right?" Glancing off, Ballora gave a half nod, half shrug. "I guess so?" Ella waited for her sister to answer the question. "Well, I can't remember what make the car was," Ballora began. "I do remember it looked like it was a flashy sports car."

"Okay, flashy sports car. What color was it?" Ella then asked. Her sister continued. "... Mostly black, but it had bright red accents to the paint job." Ballora told, looking back to her sister. "Right. Flashy sports car. Black with red accents. Definitely sounds like something Satan's offspring would drive." Ballora couldn't help but laugh a little at that last bit. Ella laughed too, lightening the mood. "Now that you know what the car looks like, please don't spend all your time car watching, okay?" Ella gave a shrug, and smirked. "Since you asked, I guess I won't." Ballora shook her head a little, along with a subtle eye roll.

"How far to that dress shop again?" Ella then asked, while eyeing the various businesses they continued to pass. "Just around the corner, here." Ballora answered with an indicating gesture. Her sister's stride slowly came to a stop. "Okay, I have an idea." The older of the two glanced to her sister. "There's a coffee shop here. I'll get us something to drink while you pick up your dress. How's that?" Ballora looked over to the shop in question just over her sister's shoulder. She hummed. "Sounds good to me."

"Great!" Ella exclaimed. "Meet you back on this corner in 5 minutes!" With a nod, the two parted ways temporarily. Continuing to round the corner, Ballora almost instantly saw the dress shop she had come to Ebott City for in the first place. It seemed small, but the dresses on display in the window were incredibly impressive. She couldn't help but stand by the window and look at them for a moment—taking in their intricate details that looked to be hand-tailored.

Smiling to herself, Ballora grabbed the door's handle and entered. A tone sounded when she did, probably something sensor activated to announce the arrival of customers. A woman came out from the back just as Ballora walked up to the counter. She gave her a small double-take upon seeing the other's unusual appearance. She was fairly certain no healthy human could have a skin tone like that-

"Hello." Ballora greeted with a friendly demeanor. The woman blinked. "Hi, can I help you?" She asked, brushing a stray lock of dirt-blond hair behind her ear. "Yes, I'm here to pick up a dress." Ballora told her. The woman looked to her order tickets that were set aside on the counter. "First name?" She asked her. "Ballora."

"Ballora..." After a moment of flipping through the tickets, a hum was heard from the woman. "Just a minute, I'll go get it." She told, before disappearing into the back once more. A minute or two passed as Ballora simply glanced about the shop's interior—there were a couple other pieces out on display—before the woman returned. She had a dress bag in hand, zipped closed. "Here's your tutu." She announced, walking around the counter to hand it to her customer. "Thank you."

"No problem." The woman replied, earning a smile from Ballora. "Y'know, I think I've made another tutu that looked really similar to this one. Are you going to use it for a specific piece?" She wondered curiously, putting the order ticket in her pocket. "Yes, actually," Ballora began, adjusting her hold on the dress so as to not squish it too much. "It's a piece called Harlequinade." She told her. The woman gave a nod. "Think I've heard of it... Anyways, thank you for your business, and hope your act goes good."

"And thank you for the dress." Ballora thanked in return, making her way out. "Have a good day." She said to the woman, tone from the door sounding again as she left. The woman smiled, before going back to what she'd been doing before Ballora came in.

Back outside, Ballora began walking back to the corner where Ella said she'd be. She looked down to the dress bag she held. She was almost tempted to take a peek at it now, to see how it looked. However, she'd have to wait until she had a moment alone to do so, as nobody else could see the dress before her performance the night of Newer Home's "Shinning Gems" talent show—coming up that next weekend.

As Ballora continued to walk, something quickly pulled her attention away from her dress. Yelling. It sounded like Ella. Looking up, she saw Ella stood at the corner of the block, green eyes wide. "BAL'! GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Ballora paused her stride, confused. It was then she heard the sound of a car's loud engine, it's tires screeching thanks to the driver's less-than-careful driving. She glanced over her shoulder. "BALLORA!" Black and red swerving towards her was the last thing she saw before she turned back around to run. The sudden pain numbed somewhat as she had just-as-suddenly become unconscious.

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(X) Cliffhanger

A.N. Until next weekend! (Unless I spontaneously write the next chapter by Wednesday, but we shall see~)

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