✦Chapter Eight✦

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  "Glad I'm almost done with you." Sophie mumbled, not even realizing Richard had heard her. "With all this training, seems I'd be able to take your place one day." Pausing after zipping her backpack halfway, the ginger blinked and glanced toward her arrogant co-worker. He gave a shrug, as he leaned against one of the lockers in the breakroom. "Y'know, if you ever decide to work somewhere else."

"Right..." Hearing something like that coming from her boss' son's mouth brought no amount of reassurance. Sophie made a mental note that maybe she'd better start treading a little more lightly with her job. As a precaution, of course. Half rolling her eyes, Sophie finished zipping up her backpack before slinging it over her shoulder. She then made her way out of the building, to eventually leave. Thankfully her shift that day ended much earlier than usual.

On her way out to her car, she noticed something. Richard's sports car wasn't parked in it's usual spot. It wasn't like he'd park elsewhere, since employees are required to park behind the restaurant. She did notice a different car that looked about as fancy as Richard's. None of her other co-workers owned a sports car to her knowledge. Even Dale Jenson himself drove a pretty normal looking car. Maybe Richard had two cars?

Shaking her head a little, Sophie paid it no more mind as she unlocked her car and got in. It wasn't any of her business to theorize over, anyways. She was getting paid to train the guy, not scrutinize his choice in vehicles he drove. Pulling out of her parking spot, Sophie began her drive out of town, and out to Newer Home.

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Whenever Sophie came to town, she had a habit of parking a block or two away from her destination. She enjoyed walking through town on nice, warm days like today. A good way to stretch her legs, and wave hello to some of the locals who recognize her. It didn't take long for her to find her destination, as she walked up to the café. Pulling open the door, she walked inside.

"Hi, Sophie!" Chica greeted, as the human walked up to the counter. "Hey!" Sophie said in return, with a smile. "Cupcake!" Carl greeted too, the ginger giving him a small wave in response. "Another early shift today?" She nodded in reply, adding with, "I'm also supposed to be meeting up with Puppet." She explained, casting a glance to a wall clock. "I'm a little early, I think?" At hearing the bell above the door ringing again, Chica glanced over Sophie's shoulder. "Seems you're right on time."

"Oh?" Following the chicken's gaze, Sophie looked over and saw not just the Marionette, but also Ballora and the 'Minireenas'. The girls all hopped onto the cushiony seats, their mother sitting next to them while also ensuring her crutches didn't fall over onto anyone. They left enough room for Sophie, it seemed. Once making sure Ballora was comfortable—Sophie noticed a few non-aggressive dismissive swats on Ballora's part—Puppet went to order drinks and such for the group. Sophie hummed, just as Puppet noticed her. "Oh, hi, Sophie."

"Hi." Sophie greeted, before returning to face Chica again. "Can I have a medium iced coffee, with a cinnamon roll, please?" She requested, pulling out her wallet. "Sure thing." Chica told her with a smile, writing the order down. "It's on me." Puppet offered before Sophie could even pull out any cash. "Well then, at least leave the tip to me."

"Sure thing." Sophie smirked, before leaving a generous tip in the tip jar on the counter—hoping it was enough considering the Marionette had even ordered anything for the rest of his family yet. Leaving him to it, Sophie went to join the others at the booth while waiting for their order.

Some minutes later found the group happily enjoying their food that Chica had insisted she bring over for them. While the adults sipped away at their coffees, the Minireenas happily chatted away both amongst themselves, also chatting Sophie's ear off all the while eating the snickerdoodles from the café's last batch of the day.

"So, how's your leg, Ballora?" Sophie wondered, taking another sip of her cooled beverage. Shifting her left leg a little so as to get a bit more comfortable, Ballora answered with, "Well, it's healing." She began, a half smile on her face. "It still aches from time to time, but the medication I was prescribed helps with that. And also with my back aching." She explained, before taking a sip of coffee. "I'm sure you've noticed the many signatures it's gotten."

"I saw." Sophie answered with a small laugh. "A lot of those signatures are from both my ballet students, and the girls." At hearing their mother mention them, the four sisters' chatter stopped for a moment. They glanced up, and noticed the smiles they were getting. They all simply smiled in return, not knowing what the conversation had been about, before going back to eating their cookies.

"And the guy who hit you. Has he been found yet?" Came Sophie's next question. Both Ballora and Puppet gave a small shake of their head 'no'. "Ella seems to think it might've been Richard Jenson, but she's not a hundred percent sure since the guy sped off." The ginger's brow arched a little. "Why's that?" Ballora continued. "She thinks the car looked like his. Black with red accents."

"Black with red accents...?" Ballora nodded. "Was the car a Dodge Challenger?" Sophie then asked, holding her coffee cup firmly and showing no intention to take another sip. "Richard's car might've been, but I'm no good with knowing car models by name or anything." Ballora answered, before Puppet continued with, "Again, Ella said the car sped off and she barely got a good look."

"Sure..." Sophie's gaze stared off a moment. She was humoring an idea that had come to her, unsure if it was anything definitive or not. "This happened almost two weeks ago, right?" The couple nodded, noticing the considering look on their friend's face. "Why? Did you notice any suspicious dents on Richard's car two weeks ago?" Puppet wondered, trying to guess Sophie's assumption. "Not exactly."

"Then, what?" Sophie took a long sip of her coffee as she thought for a beat longer, before slowly lowering it back onto the table's surface—green eyes narrowing a little with suspicion. "I noticed Rich has a new car. I haven't seen his Dodge Challenger in a couple weeks now." She noted. "I'm wondering if I could get anything from him that could put him as the guy who hit you."

"Maybe try asking him." Both Ballora and Sophie gave Puppet an odd look at hearing that. "Not directly," He began, bringing a hand up in a bit of a defensive manner. "Try and ask him about that weekend, but try not to be too obvious or anything." Sophie gave a half nod, considering the idea. "It might work. Knowing Richard, he'd probably slip something."

"Exactly." Smirks were shared, as everyone took another sip of their drinks—all feeling a little more confident in hopefully bringing justice to Ballora.

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A.N. Dialogue chapters like this aren't my favorite to write because it feels a little lazy. There'll be more action next chapter though, so at least there's that lol

Next chapter on Saturday, as always, unless otherwise stated. Thanks for reading~

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