✦Chapter Ten✦

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  At the sound of something being dropped on the floor in the kitchen, Ballora's attention was momentarily pulled from her book. She'd gone to continue resting her leg in the comfort of a bed instead of the couch, with some help from Puppet in getting upstairs, and once she'd finally calmed herself down from crying, decided to continue reading her book to pass the time. Brushing off the noise, she continued reading, finding her spot in a mere moment.

A new noise soon distracted her again. Several sets of footsteps were making their way up the stairs in what sounded like a cautious manner. Four light sets, and one heavier than the other four. It was her husband and daughters, no doubt. As she looked over to the bedroom's open door, she was met with the sight of Puppet carefully carrying a tray of food, while their daughters followed—some with sheets of paper in hand. "What's all this?"

"We made you supper, Mama!" Tina exclaimed. Sitting up a little straighter, Ballora watched as Puppet set the tray over her lap. "Oh my-!" Lucette spoke up next. "We also made you drawings!" The girls all got up onto the bed next to their mother, careful not to bump the tray, and handed said drawings to her. "Thank you, this is lovely!" Ballora complimented, a warm smile seen on her face. Mina then explained with, "'Cause, Daddy said you were feeling sad, so we wanted to cheer you up!"

"Well, this has certainly done the trick." Ballora assured them, before holding an arm out to receive hugs from her daughters. As the 'Minireenas' all shared a group hug with their mother, their father gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Do you need a new ice pack, my love?" He asked in a sweetly tone. Ballora smirked, and nodded. "Thank you."

"Don't mention it." Puppet answered, taking the now warm ice pack from behind Ballora. He then looked to the girls again. "Alright you four, how about we let Mama eat, okay?" With that, the five took their leave. Ballora shook her head a little, still smiling as she began eating.

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Taking in a small, calming breath, the sound of a pen clicking slowly came to a stop. Sophie put it back in the pen holder by the cash register, before glancing to the hallway leading down to Jenson's office. "Well, you going?" Julie asked, gaining her co-worker's attention. "Huh?" Julie showed the time display on her phone, which read 5:58pm. "It's almost six. You said the boss asked to see you at six." She reminded. Sophie blinked. "O-Oh, right." Nothing more was said before the ginger all but b-lined down the hallway. Julie's own curious hum went unheard, as she continued with clocking, her shift coming to an end.

Keeping her fiddling under control as she walked, Sophie couldn't help but think of every worse case scenario of what her boss might want to talk to her about. Ever since overhearing that conversation between Dale and Richard, Sophie had upped her "star employee" act a notch or seven. She'd even restrained from snooping in Jenson's office during night shifts, just to be safe. She hopped it was enough, and that she wasn't about to be demoted... or fired altogether.

Though the office door was left open a crack, Sophie still gave it a light knock. At hearing Jenson call her in, she clasped her hands behind her back and walked inside. "You wanted to talk with me?" Dale nodded, looking away from his computer. At noticing his employee standing before him in a rather rigid manner, he gestured for her to sit. With a short nod, Sophie did so. "I just had a few things I wanted to update you on."

"Okay...?" Brushing off Sophie's odd demeanor with a blink, Jenson continued. "Well, first, I'm just letting you know that you'll only be working with Richard for only a couple more days." Without thinking, Sophie began nervously grasping at her jeans, having put her hands in her lap. "I see..." She quietly said, as if accepting her job's demise. "He's going to be working at a different location here soon, that I hope he'll be managing, also."

"... He will?" Dale gave a nod, while Sophie could already feel the relief come over herself. "Th-That is... great!" She complimented, forcing a professional smile, before then asking, "Which location will he be working at?" Jenson hummed, interlocking his fingers atop his desk. With an unsure nod, he simply said, "I can't tell you. It's under wraps at the moment."

"Interesting." Sophie quietly hummed to herself. Maybe this could be something worth looking into? Afterall, Fazbear Entertainment hadn't opened any new restaurants in some years now. Possibilities were already playing out in Sophie's head, naturally curious about this. "But, that does lead me to one more thing." Dale continued. "Oh?"

"I'll also be transferring some employees from here to work there, too. Well, I'll get who I can. Anyways, that'll mean we'll need to look for new hires." Jenson explained. He vaguely gestured to Sophie. "You're on to help with the hiring process when the time comes." His employee gave a nod. "Sounds good to me." She answered. Jenson hummed. "Was that everything?"
"Yeah, I think so." Jenson told, taking a second to think and make sure. "I'll call you back if there's something else. You can go back to your shift." Hiding her giddiness at not being fired, Sophie gave a prompt "thank you", before taking her leave. Bullet dodged! She thought to herself.

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A.N. Right, I think there's only one chapter left to go with this story—looking to very well end on a wholesome note. 'Til next Saturday!

𝓞𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓪 𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓻 (Freedom AU Book 9) [FNAF/UT]Where stories live. Discover now