What it would be like Dating Eggsy!

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• Eggsy is very gentle and caring. He always puts you first.

•On missions you and him are in sink, so when your both fighting you work like clockwork.

• Eggsy's mum adores you as you make Eggsy so happy. you and him have dinner with her every Thursday night.

• When you first got together you attempted to hide it from Harry but he knew the whole time and he thought it was a good idea.

•Eggsy is a very good brother and  you and him babysit his baby sister as often as you can. Eggsy loves it when he watches you play with her and the smiles on both of your faces.

•When you both have the nights off (witch is rare) you and him snuggle up on your bed watching loads of your fav films with JB in your lap.

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