🎥A day on set🎬

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⚠️ She/her pronouns ⚠️

Taron brought his best friend to set with him for two reasons. Taron's very proud that he has gotten the role and that his best friend is a massive Elton John fan. "Look you will be fine i promise, he is a very kind person and won't bite your head off." Taron said attempting to calm his best friend down. "Yeah I know but it's just the fact that I'm meeting Sir. Elton. John. Who also happens to be my idol!" Y/n rolls her eyes. Taron ran out of words of encouragement so he simply placed his hand on her thigh.

Taron walks hand in hand with his best friend while greeting crew members as they pass by, until a strong voice catches their attention. "Taron darling! Is this your lady friend you have been telling me so much about?" Taron looks to the ground in embarrassment before he reply's with "Yes this is Y/n." Elton send a big smile towards Y/n Making her feel more comfortable. "Hello darling it's wonderful to meet you!" Elton stated while offering a hug.

After two and a half hours in hair and make up taron was ready to shoot a scene.

"These dungaree's make my arse look massive" Taron stated while coming out of the dressing room

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"These dungaree's make my arse look massive" Taron stated while coming out of the dressing room. "Oh c'mon they are not that bad" y/n said with a wide smile. "Oh and darling" y/n looks at his eyes "your staring" a smirk appears on his face. "Shouldn't you be on set mr massive arse?" Y/n changing the subject.

Taron was waiting for his cue to start acting and was talking to the director Dexter Fletcher. Y/n was stood at the back of the room daydreaming until a music legend brought her back to reality. "Having a good time over here?" Y/n was a little stunned at first "oh yeah." "Did you know that man over there absolutely adores you" y/n heart fluttered. There was something about her idol telling her that her best friend adores her that made her heart feel as if butterflies lived inside of her. "Well i adore him too, i hate to think about life without him." Y/n looking towards Taron "oh sweetheart you don't adore that man" Y/n sends Elton a confused look "You love him." Elton looks very confident while saying he last sentence and Y/n felt like her chest was going to burst. She always wanted something to happen between her and her best friend but was nervous to make a move so she found a way to suppress her feelings towards the welsh boy. "Ugh im annoyed at the fact you can see it" she says in a laughing matter. "Its clear my dear" Elton says putting a hand on the girls shoulder "yeah clear to everyone except him" she says  annoyed. "Oh give it time. There is only so much acting you can to to hide your emotions"

I can do a part two if it's wanted just let me know x
Word count: 517

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