🎬Part 2. A day on set🎬

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Now y/n visits set everyday and has gotten to know the cast and crew well. She has gotten especially close to Richard Madden and Jamie Bell and is always chatting to them in between scenes.
However, something has been bubbling inside Taron. His chest feels tight whenever Y/n is laughing with his two co-stars.

Here they all are sat in Richards trailer,and having a good time after a hard day of work.Everyone was having a great time except Taron who was ready to explode like a bomb! Y/n and Richard were very cosy together. Too cosy! Her giggling like a five year old while wrapped up in his embrace. Him playing with strands of her hair.

"Right Y/n I'm gonna take you home now" Taron said grabbing his jacket. "Why? Its not that late?" "Y/n if you want a lift then follow me!" Taron snapped at her while fixing his hair. Y/n can tell Taron is stressed when he runs his hand through his hair to attempt to 'fix it' so to stop an argument she just went along with it. "Whatever! Goodnight you lot!" Y/n said while waving goodbye. The two walked in an uncomfortable silence until anger got the best of Y/n. "Taron what the fuck was that all about?" She raised her voice while stopping in her tracks. "I have no idea what your on about?" "Taron don't play dumb why the hell are u acting so strange lately?" Taron walked towards the girl and just looked directly into her eyes. "Just. Just get in the car." He stated while walking closer to the car until Y/n grabbed his arm. "No Taron you can't just act like everything is okay. Something is clearly up and for fuck sake I thought i am your best friend." Taron was about to protest but stoped and let out a sigh. " T you can tell me absolutely anything and god knows you have told me some pretty embarrassing things in the past!" Y/n says with a small giggle.
That smile. That laugh. Her kindness. All of them points is why he loves her.
Taron attempts to speak but no words come out. For once he is speechless. So he does the next best thing. With one hand he grabs her hip and with the other he holds her cheek. And after what seems to feel like an eternity his lips connect with his best friends. There lips fit together like jigsaw pieces and firework exploded inside both of there chests. The kiss felt right for both of them and after a minute the both break away breathless.
"That was the reason why I've been such a dick and I'm sorry i was afraid of how you would react and if are friendship would be affected because I can't live without you y/n/n. You mean the world to" Taron was cut off by Y/n lips.

Meanwhile near the entrance to the trailers and set was a smirking Elton John with his husband holding his hand, looking like a proud farther. "It's about bloody time" Elton spoke to David.

This has taken some time to write but i hope it was worth it x

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