🍺 Drunken thoughts🍸

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12:39 the clock reads while standing on the bedside table. Meanwhile a very irritating, loud noice echoed across the apartment. Ring! Ring! Y/n turns towards the sound, finding out it was in fact her phone. She sits up leaning against the headboard of her bed while looking at the contact calling her. The screen read Richard. With a confused look on her face she accepts the call. "Y/n i am so sorry to call you this late at night but I am out with Taron and he is a right mess!" The man spoke with a thick Scottish accent. "Why whats happening?" Asked the worried girl. "Taron asked to meet up and as i was nearby doing a press tour  I agreed. Anyway we met at this bar about 20 minutes away from my hotel and one thing led to another and he has gotten really drunk and will not listen to anyone. But he does keep repeating your name. Do you think you could come a talk some sense into him?" Asked Richard. The worried girl instantly agreed and after being told the two men's whereabouts she changed and raced to her car.

While driving many thought flooded the girls head. What the fuck has he done now? Why has he done this? Yeah Taron has gotten drunk, many times but he has never acted like this before. This is how she knew something was up.

She pulled into the nearest car parking space. She made her way into the pub, being greeted by the smell of beer and a few people who were having a good time. Her eyes scanned the room and met with a disoriented Taron. "Ayyy... Y/n!!" Taron greeted the girl in a cheery manner. Behind him was Richard. "Hello Y/n I'm so sorry!" Y/n gave Richard a sympathetic look. "Stop apologising this is not your fault." Taron however decided to wrap his arms around the girls waist while placing his face in her neck. Y/n could smell the amount of alcohol on him. "T lets get you home." Y/n attempting to get him to leave. "Awe i have missed you love." Taron slurs "please, for me lets go home." Taron faces Richard. "Im afraid i can't keep the lady waiting Rich." Taron says still wrapped around Y/n "no bother mate ill text you tomorrow." Richard says while patting his back.

Existing the pub was a challenge to say the least. Richard had to leave as soon as possible because of having an early press meeting. This meant that Y/n has to assist Taron to the car. Taron had very limit use of his legs and had put nearly all of his body weight on the poor girl. Y/n was not the strongest woman in the world so it was a struggle getting him to the car.

During the car ride Taron was slumped against the window half asleep. "You gonna throw up all over my car?" Y/n asked the drunk man. In response she just got a groan and she continued to drive. While driving the same thought popped into her mind, what's happened for him to get pissed?

The two entered Y/n apartments and she gently placed him on the sofa. She started to take his shoes off because she knew he would not accomplish the task himself. She also took off his blue denim jacket, during this Taron started to speak. "If you want to see me naked at least take me out to dinner first." Y/n laughed "in your dreams Egerton." She went to grab a blanket and pillow for her best friend and when she returned he spoke again. "Your to good to me." She rolled her eyes. "Oh i know" Taron smirked "I am loving this confidence my love" Y/n shook her head while giggling "fuck off." Once Taron was settled and fast asleep she then got a glass of water and some tablets for the headache he will wake up with and placed them on the table nearest to the sofa.

Y/n was rudely woken by the sun poking through her blinds. She mentally cursed herself for buying the cheap blinds. Once she was properly awake she made her way to the kitchen. While the kettle boiled, a hungover Taron awoke. "Morning" spoke Y/n in a cheery sing-song voice. In response she heard a groan. "That bad is it?" Taron chuckled "ah don't make me laugh it hurts." Y/n shook her head "here." She placed a black coffee in his hand a forced him to move his legs and sat on her sofa. "How you feeling T?" She looked sympathetically. "Absolutely shit, my heads banging. Ugh i am such twat and I'm really sorry i had to get you to come and pick me up." "Correction, it was Richard who called me at nearly 1 in the morning." Taron rested his head on the girl's shoulder. "Shit. Ill make sure to call him later. Oh and I really do appreciate you not leaving me in the pub pissed." "Don't worry about it. Why did you get pissed this time?" She asked him. Taron hesitated to reply because he was nervous telling her the truth, he always told her everything and felt bad about not telling her but fear, as always, got in the way. Again. Taron leaned his head back on the sofa groaning. "It really doesn't matter." Y/n was not taking that as an answer. "Taron it must mean a-lot to you if your so hesitant about telling me." Taron hung his head low. "T" she waited for a response but got nothing. "Taron." Still nothing. "Taron David Egerton." She grabs his chin to make him look at her and he had tears welling in his eyes. He alternates looking at her eyes and her lips. He wanted to say something but had lost his ability to speak, she was so beautiful to him even with messy hair. "T" the girl was cut off by a pair of lips. But as soon as she released what was happening she soon kissed back. Their lips connected and fit perfectly. Neither of them wanted to let go but Y/n was getting out of breath. Both breathing heavily, they both ended the kiss with a smile on their face. After 4 years of friendship they had finally kissed. "Thats why i got drunk last night. I thought you wouldn't be interested in me." Taron looked embarrassed and Y/n didn't know what to say. So instead she crawled along to Taron and sat in this lap. "I love you. I always have." Y/n smiles and Taron looks up and connects their lips once again.

1137 words. This took a long time x

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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