Chapter 1. Forgotten

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I woke up to the sound of sirens rushing down the street. I rubbed my eyes and turned in my bed to look at the clock. It was five in the morning. I tried going back to sleep, but I couldn't while all that racket was going on outside.

I got out of bed to get a glass of water. As I made my way down the hall way to the kitchen I heard a scream come from my moms room. I tiptoed towards the sound of the scream, when someone stopped me. It was Daryl.

"We have to get out of here now!"

"Wh-" I was cut off.

"NOW!" He said raising his voice. He grabbed my arm and dragged me to my room. "Get some clothes on, and be snappy!"

"But what about m-"

"No questions, get ready!"

I nearly jumped, I slipped on some jeans and a buttoned up shirt I had laying around, and slipped on my old combat boots. I came running back to Daryl.

"Ok, follow me and what ever you do don't look in moms room" he said as we made our way to the front door.

I jumped in Daryl's car. He started it and drove off.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"I don't know" he said roughly.

"What's going on?!?" I asked almost yelling.

"I don't know for sure..." He trailed off.

I was scared. A million Questions were going through my mind. Where's my mom? Why did we leave her? What's going on? Why is there a man in the middle of the road? Wait, there's a man in the middle of the road.

"DARYL!" I screamed.

And in a second the car swerved all over the road and fell in a ditch. Everything went black.


I slowly opened my eyes. Squinting I looked around, no sign of Daryl. I tried standing up but felt a pain in my left leg.

"God damn it" I said to myself. I looked at my leg, it had a huge, bloody gash just above the knee. I pressed my hand against it, only causing my me pull my hand back and grind my teeth together.

I looked around to see if there was a way out. I noticed a metal rail in the passengers seat. I reached for it and held it in my hands. The window of the passengers seat seamed the easiest to to reach. So I slowly scooted towards it trying not to hurt my cut. When I made it close enough to the window I took the rod and bashed the window.

I jumped out of the window only leading to me hitting my left leg on the ground roughly.

"Shit, shot, shit" I said through clenched teeth.

I slowly stood up leaning my body against the shattered car. I breathed slowly in and out.

"Daryl?" I whisper yelled. I just repeated that over and over again until I heard leaves crunching behind me. I-it was a person making moaning noises and walking slowly towards me. But it wasn't just any person, it looked. Dead.

I limped away as fast as I could, not knowing where I was going. Damn my leg hurt. I made it to a farm. I slowly limped towards it. As I was making my way up, one of those things made me trip and it fell right on top of me. I was struggling to get it off. After a while of trying to get off me I was just about to give up. Until, a bullet went through the things head, there was ringing in my ears and I started to see black spots.


"Who the fuck is this?"

"I found her being attacked by a walker I couldn't just leave her there to die!"

"What if she's dangerous?"

I opened my eyes and sat up "what if I'm dangerous? Do I look dangerous to you?" I said almost shouting.

A man with black hair and brown eyes spoke "anybody could be dangerous these days! Don't you know anything kid?"

I was starting to get frustrated, because really I didn't know what was going on.

"No, actually I have no idea what's going on! What are those things? Are they people? Are they some sort of monster?" I said annoyed.

"Woah, woah, you seriously don't know what's going on?" A woman with blind hair asked. I just shrugged.

"Well what's your story kid?" I man with a sheriffs uniform asked.

"Well, I was with my brother, and we were driving down the street, when he hit a man and lost control of the car. All I remember is that I woke up with scratches and bruises all over my face and body. Also this fucker on my leg." I told them. It took a minute for them all to sink in.

"So you were asleep that long?" The sherif man asked. I just nodded. "alrighty then, I'm Rick that's Shane and this here is Andrea, there are more of us their just not here at the moment."

"That's gonna leave one hell of a scar" Andrea said staring at my busted leg.

"I don't mind, it just hurts like hell" I said as I touched it.

"I'm sure Hershel can fix that up" Andrea said.

"Hershel?" I whispered.

"Our doctor, well more like vet, but I'm sure he knows how to do stitches" she said with a shrug. "Follow me, I think he's up stairs."

I stood up slowly and limped upstairs with Andrea. "Need any help?" She asked.

"No,no I got it" I said barely keeping my balance. When we finally made up Andrea led me to room where a man with white hair sat writing things down. Must be Hershel.

"Hey, Hershel" she said he turned to me and looked me up and down "Hershel this is...this is, uh.."

"Sailor" I spat out.

"This is sailor" she said.

"Sit down sailor let me take a look at that leg of yours." He said motioning me to a wooden chair. I sat in it as he examined it.

"This is one heck of a cut you have" Hershel said "your definitely gonna need some stitches."

"Oh great" I said under my breath.


So, what do you guys think? Terrible? Yah, I know.😂😂

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