Chapter Forty-One

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Chapter Forty-One (Skye's POV)

Tuesday afternoon, I walked with Rose from Calc with a headache, "Mr Holmes needs to use more examples when he explains things" I complained childishly.

Rose laughed, tightening her arm around my shoulder to steer us towards her car. "Awww! My cute little nerd is just pissed off that she doesn't know everything".

I pouted, quickly objecting, "It's not my fault that Calculus is so God-damn difficult to understand!"

I almost tripped over my own feet as Rose stopped, pulling me to a halt beside her. "I shall remember this day for the rest of my life! It's so fucking adorable to hear you swear!"

I flushed to the roots of my hair, "Let's just add that to the list of things we will never mention again..." I heard how hopeful I sounded, repeating her words back to her. 'God-damn' doesn't even really count as an expletive - not after some of the filth I've heard come out of Rose's mouth...

"No dice, Skye - I am going to make it my life's mission to hear you say 'fuck' before the month's out", Rose chuckled.

"Good luck, Rosie..." I muttered sourly.

As we reached the car, I saw Annie doubled over in laughter - holding on to Nate's arm, so she didn't collapse. Everyone has freaky super hearing in this town...

When I did up my seatbelt, I was startled by Nate leaning forward and smirking at me. "Come on, Skye - just say the word 'cunt' once, and I will love you for the rest of my life".

My blush deepened, "Oh dear..." I've opened Pandora's Box...

Annie guffawed, and Nate was slammed back into his seat as Rose deliberately took off too quickly.

I giggled quietly, and met liquid brown eyes, "Thanks".

"Any time - I love inflicting pain on Nate", Rose leant over and whispered in my ear.

"Sadist", I teased quietly - and still Annie and Nate heard if their snorts were anything to go by.

"If that's what you're into, love" Rose winked.

I blushed and looked out the window to hide it. I cannot believe that I am actually flirting with someone! And that someone is as far out of my league as Rose...

After we dropped Nate and Annie off, I asked where we were going. Hopefully, it is just close-by in town, and I can be home before Aunt Lauren realises I've broken curfew again...

"How does Antoni's sound?" Rose replied.

I smiled, nodding as I recognised the restaurant Jacob worked at, "They have great food and lovely customer service".

Rose snorted loudly, "I don't think I've ever heard someone under the age of sixty use the word 'lovely' in a sentence before".

I pursed my lips and huffed, "We can't all be leather-jacket wearing delinquents like you, Rose".

I clutched the dash as Rose laughed loudly, the steering wheel turning a little too far to the left for my comfort as she bent forward. "Focus on the road!" I admonished.

"Relax, love - I'm an excellent driver" Rose boasted as she reached over and gripped the hand I had clutched to my heart.

I raised my eyebrow, "I thought we already established that you are a delinquent? I'm surprised you drive so sedately - I don't think I've ever seen you break the speed limit or even roll through a stop sign. I have to say, I'm a little disappointed; I thought you were a bad girl who rode motorcycles and drove like an overconfident teenage boy".

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