Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three (Rose's POV)

You will not be known as the dumb bitch who threw up on her mate because she was too chicken-shit to ask her out, I told myself severely – trying to make my stomach stop churning, and the bile in the back of my throat go away.

Skye and I were sitting in our spot on Thursday, as she told me about some smartass remark Kade had made in her Health class this morning. "Do you want to have coffee with me this afternoon?" I blurted out, cutting her off mid-sentence and making myself look like a complete fucktard.

Her soft pink mouth went slack, forming a little 'o', and those damn distracting eyes of hers met my own. Jesus fucking Christ, Rose; way to blow it!

"Seriously?" Her voice was unsure and quiet and, why the fuck would she think I was joking about this?!

"Yes, seriously" I made myself take a deep breath, trying to collect myself.

"I would love to", Skye replied, a hesitant but pleased smile breaking out across her blushing face. 

I could see Nate over her shoulder, almost crying with laughter on the basketball court, as he listened in on my pathetic attempts to woo my mate. Note to self: break into the Bensons house tonight and shave off Nate's eyebrows while he sleeps...

Mickey gave me a look as he chatted with Helen, raising his eyebrows as if to say, Real smooth, Rose.

I hate being around other werewolves, I grumbled to myself.

I focused back on Skye, who was still looking at me, trying to decide if I was serious.

She glanced away, and I frowned as her shoulders curving inward protectively, "I'm sorry – it's just that the last time someone asked me out, it turned out to be a practical joke and everyone laughed at me". What the fuck?!

I gritted my teeth together, my upper lip pulling back in a snarl, "What's their name and address?" This time I really will break into someone's house – but instead of shaving their eyebrows, I might snap a few fingers for disrespecting my mate...

No – it's not just because she is my mate, I thought indignantly – I liked to think that I was a decent enough person that if anyone were treated so poorly, I would stand up for them.

Skye laughed softly, She doesn't think I'm being serious...

"I'm not joking" I replied, already wondering how I could get away from home for the night without my parents knowing I was going to make some little human bitch pay.

My mate reached forward, tense as if waiting for me to reject her, and rested her hand on top of mine. Her skin is so fucking soft... "Don't worry; this was a few years ago, and I know kids can be cruel", Skye didn't sound as upset as I thought she should.

Amos is pretty good with computers, I bet he could find her file and see which schools Skye used to go to... But how to weed out the asshole that added to my mate's insecurities by playing such a fucked-up joke?...

"I am definitely not joking – and I'll drive you home afterwards, so you don't have to walk", I said, leaning towards her to emphasise that I was serious.

Does that mean I don't have a lift home today? Annie chimed in from the school library, disgruntled.

Will you all just STOP listening in on my motherfucking conversations?! I screamed down the communal pack link, seeing the nearby pack members around me flinch and look away guiltily.

Rose-Marie Sinclair, language! And you know not to use the communal link unless you have something important to tell everyone! I heard my Mum chide from a few miles away as she sat with Father at home.

You said a bad word, Almost-Alpha, Cole noted gleefully at the same time.

For fuck's sake, I muttered to myself.

Sorry, Mum – it won't happen again, I sent to her. I switched my focus and got the impression that Cole was sitting cross-legged in a circle, as Marrick explained about what to expect during their first shift, Concentrate on your teacher, Cole – and don't repeat anything you hear me say.

Nate was still laughing, Yeah, Rosie – listen to your Mummy...

I hate being a werewolf, I declared to myself as I went back to eating my lunch.

Mr Mosley smirked at Skye and I as we made our way into English class; I refrained from poking his eye out with a whiteboard marker.

I reflected on my conversation with Skye, wondering if I was following standard human etiquette; did you ask out the person you liked after only a few days of knowing them?

What the fuck am I meant to say to Skye this afternoon? I've never been on a date before. Does she even think of this as a date? Or does she think we are just friends hanging out?

I turned to the only source of wisdom I knew, Annie – help me out here... Usually, my sister would tune me out and focus on her class, but she could hear the desperation in my voice. Come on; I'll do your share of the dishes for a week...

Annie sighed and gave me a run-down on human social customs, Be sure to avoid topics that friends would talk about – like homework and stuff. Give her your full attention, and ask questions about her – for example, her favourite colour or genre of music. That way she knows that you are interested in her. Oh! And you have to pay for the coffee – it's a date, after all...

I frowned dubiously, Why is life so hard and confusing?

Don't stress so much, Rose; it's pretty fucking obvious Skye likes you, Annie reassured me.

I perked up, It is?

Annie laughed, I mean, are you blind?!

I felt my confidence returning as I mulled over Annie's words. I rehashed all of the time I had been spending with Skye, analysing her words and expressions and – most of all – the blush that seemed to be permanently painted on her cheeks when I was around.

Don't get a big head, Annie warned as she felt my smug satisfaction through the mind link.

I glanced down at Skye's tiny little blonde head, distracted by the cute expression of concentration as she began filling in a worksheet. Shit, when did Mr Mosley hand those out? I blinked at the sheet sitting on my own desk, waiting to be filled in and handed back.

Concentrate, fuckwit, I told myself and lowered my head to focus on the paper in front of me.

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