Chapter Two

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Chapter Two (Skye's POV)

Why does the universe hate me so much? I reflected as the rough bricks pressed into my skin.

"Just give me your fucking purse!" The man snapped as he pulled something from his pocket.

Oh dear, I swallowed heavily as my mind registered that there was a knife in his hand.

Can't a girl just go shopping for a few groceries without being accosted by a stranger?

I felt my heart clench painfully, and I tried to stop the shaking of my hands.

Television had not prepared me for what to do in a situation like this. Did I act confident and tell this obviously desperate man to go jump? Did I just give him my grocery money and hope that was enough to satisfy him? Did I scream for help and hope someone saw us before he had the chance to cut my throat? Was this all just a nightmare conjured by my over-active imagination?

Why was I such a coward?

Before I could even begin to react, the knife lowered, and the man was pulled away from me.

I saw a blur of brown skin and short hair, and then my panicked mind was sent into overdrive by the sound of the man's body colliding with the bricks next to where I was standing.

A cold voice spoke, with a sense of calm confidence that I could never in a hundred years hope to emulate, "Let that be a lesson to you, for preying on those who cannot fight back, with a knife you spineless prick". The man stumbled over his own feet as he was pushed forcefully away. "Get out of my sight before I change my mind and give you more lessons in good behaviour".

I shivered at the threat and would have probably fainted if this person spoke directly to me in such a way.

My tear-filled eyes began to clear, and I could finally focus on the intimidating figure in front of me.

She was the tallest person I'd ever seen. Given, that wasn't really hard considering I was shorter than the average girl.

She was still staring impassively at my would-be assailant, so I had a few seconds to take her in.

Her skin was a beautiful brown that couldn't possibly be the result of tanning, with equally dark hair cut into short layers. It only took an instant for me to notice that she was lithe and toned, but not in an obvious, muscular way.

Just right, my traitorous mind commented as the woman in question tilted her chin to look down at me.

Holy macaroni, her eyes... My thoughts just stopped, like someone had slammed the brakes on. Her eyes were a soft brown, swirling like cocoa powder melting into hot chocolate.

Her whole body tensed as we just looked at each other.

Then she broke eye contact, sighing exasperatedly and rubbing her eyes.

And I suddenly remembered the situation she had found me in. My heart missed a beat as the adrenaline left me in a rush.

I slumped back against the bricks, grateful they were there to hold me up, as I suddenly found myself without any energy.

He tried to take my purse, and then he... and then he...

I could feel warm salty tears pour from my eyes once again.

He had a knife to my throat, I remembered, aware once again of my shaking hands.

I could feel my legs start to give out, as my world tilted slowly to the side.

A knife...

I was steadied by firm hands, and for the first time, my saviour spoke to me. "Hey, it's alright. He is gone now. You're safe; no-one else will hurt you".

She continued to mutter awkward but heartfelt reassurances as she led me out of the alleyway back onto the crowded streetwalk.

I flinched at the abrupt change from quiet shadows to an overwhelming throng of people.

The woman led me to a nearby bench and sat me down. I could see a passing teenager glance at us in concern, but then shrug and continue on their way.

I wiped at my eyes, trying to get myself under control.

Way to make a fool of yourself, Skye. This woman probably thinks you're a big crybaby, I berated myself.

I glanced back up at my saviour, seeing that she was already looking down at me in concern.

"Thank you so much, I'm so sorry that I'm freaking out", I managed to get out between the tears and the trembling. I realised that her warm arm was still wrapped around my back and blushed.

"It's alright - I'm glad I was able to step in before the situation escalated". Her voice was so smooth - not too deep and not too soft, filled with natural confidence. Why couldn't I project an intimating aura like this woman? Then maybe that man wouldn't have dared try to rob me of my purse...

And what the heck would she consider an 'escalated' situation if not a man holding a knife; gun-shot wounds and blood?...

"I'm Skye, by the way. Thank you again. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't saved me". I muttered, unable to meet the eyes of this insanely attractive and confident woman.

She seems older than me; like a college student, not in high school, I thought to myself.

"My name is Rose. I would say it's a pleasure to meet you but considering the circumstances..." She trailed off with an awkward laugh, and I found myself automatically smiling at the sound of her husky laughter.

I took a deep breath, shook my head and set my shoulders. "Well, I really should be going. I'm sorry for taking up your time, Rose. And thank you again..." It was my turn to trail off as I stood up and stepped away from her. I need to get back to the safety of home, groceries be darned - I need a reassuringly locked door and privacy to break down...

"Wait! Um... I mean... You still look pretty shaken - so please let me walk you to your car." She stood facing me, slouching slightly so she could meet my eyes and smile.

The more I spoke to her, the closer to my age she sounded. Her scary tone from earlier had softened a little, as she spoke softly to me; it was like she was a whole different person.

That pesky blush reappeared as I looked hesitantly up at her. Don't do it, Skye...

"That would be wonderful..."

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