Thursday 16th of April

48 1 1

Well hello there strangers, shout out to @seanesse for commenting on my story, she has made my day/night and whoever reads this story PLEASE follow her cause she is AWESOME

you know, I'm having a birthday party tomorrow and I'm going to a buffet with just my friends (I know I'm pretty fab to go to a buffet) but the thing is,

My little sister is going with me

Not only is it the dread and the humiliation that has to go with me while I'm with her at my birthday party, it's the fact that people will coo over her like she's an angel

But she's actually a demon that's trapped in an innocent girls body.

Call me mean, a bitch or whatever but a nine year old at my birthday party

I think not.

Especially my friends try to 'include her' in the group but what actually happens is she shows off what she has beaten me in

This is what I think the birthday party will go like

Pheebs (my sister): *sits and plays with her food*
Friend: hey! Let's include pheebs to the group
Me:(internally) no no no no no no no No no Nono no no no
Friend: so what did you do yesterday pheebs?
Pheebs: oh, Larissa and me played chess and I beat her
Me: it is not Larissa and me it is Larissa and I
Pheebs: don't be a show off!
Me: says you

Yeah no.

Especially the fact that I hate playing chess with her so I kind of give up during the game and start moving pieces around randomly, while she actually thinks and then makes a move

I've got more important things to do

More Netflix
More food
The flash

And then the next day is HER birthday party

I'm supposed to be the little fairy and help the kids clean up THEIR mess.

Helping as in I do the cleaning up

And there are going to be 10 kids 10 FREAKING KIDS

Do you know how much cleaning up that is?

And also her friends are not quiet. seriously it's INSANE, like how much energy can they create, I can't even stand up to go to the fridge and get my m&ms.

Yes I keep them in the fridge for 'maximum crunch'

The place the kids are going to is the aquarium. if I'm there with my friends maybe, that would be fun, but a bunch of nine year olds sticking their fades to the glass kinda grosses me out.

And I can't see the FUCKING FISH

Like what's the point of going there if you can't see the FREAKING FISH because of some nine year olds sticking heir faces to the glass.

And it's an AQUARIUM

So no phone time for me.

And I doubt that there's going to be wifi so....


And if I want a death wish like using my phone in front of the water,


Especially with my butter fingers

I could drop my phone

And my music

And my favourite fashion app

And instagr-

Oh wait
That's replaceable

But I don't wanna see it drown with the little fishies and the SHARKS AND STINGRAYS na ah I ain't getting that any time soon

Those divers can get it

And repair it

And turn it into an iPhone 6


Totally realistic

And then I could turn into a wizard and fly away on a broom stick to London and got to platform 9 and 3/4 and go to hogwarts.


Anyway gotta go now.

Catch ya later

Larry xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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