Author's Message

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Hey, to whoever reading this. This is the first installment on a mini novel series I'm gonna be working on. This installment was originally processed back in the start of 2020, but got laid back and delayed due to a lot of things happening to me. Back then, I tried various methods to make the story work. E-book, manga, visual novel, everything you could imagine. Now I plan to make it a compilation of gradually-continuous compilations of short stories.

99% of the whole series are by myself, including the graphics and character artworks. Means that the novel chapters will be released gradually 1-by-1. Why? I'm currently a working guy that has a job and admitting to college. Oh before I forget, that 1%? Those who support me during hard times, having my back on making this a reality. Thank you for helping me in the series, I appreciate it.

Also disclaimer: this mini novel series is fully fictional, and has no affiliations and relations to any events or figures in the real world. Any figure deemed to be related to any parts of the series, consider it just a coincidence and nothing more.

Dedicated to beautiful souls out there, who manage to strive during their hardships and become the best they can ever be.

Enjoy reading! :D

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