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//chapter 3//
(A/N) going to edit tomorrow because I just want to post this tonight

Everyone starts to disburse from the dining area to where the campfire is. I see the boys get up on the stage that was set up for the acts. Daisy, Annia and I say in the front because this is something that we surely don't want to miss.

" Hi we are 5 seconds of summer, I'm Ashton, that blonde haired freak is Luke, the Asian looking one is Calum," Ashton begins to state,

" Dude I am a fucking kiwi! KI-WI I say, he speaks lies!" Calum yells and everyone laughs.

" Hi I am the amazingly, gorgeous Micheal ladies I am single you can call me on," Michael starts to say his phone number before he is interrupted when Ashton hitting the cymbals on his drums.

" Mates we are supposed to be performing, so lets get this started!" he yelled to pump us up "so this is American idiot by Green Day! I'm sorry but my drumming sucks for this song!"

Michael started of the song and Calum and Luke sang with him. Their voice are really good. During the middle of the song when Luke was singing his solo Mr.blueberry-head decided to randomly bunny ear behind Luke's head which was actually really funny to be honest.

But seriously everyone loved them the whole crowd of kids were rocking out to the song, especially the girls and I. Once they were done they took many bows and finally left the stage when a counselor had to drag them off.

The lads joined with a pout on their faces. Calum sat next to me and I asked " Why so glum chum?"

" I wanted to bow a few more time." he whinnied.

" Oh you will probably have more time to do that in the future," I said reassuring him.

Kian Daniels then entered the stage. You could immediately fell the lust from all the girls and the jealousy from the guys fill the night sky. He was extremely hot I may say(this may or may not be an understatement). Every girls eyes were on Kian including mine. I was a little distracting though because the bench was a little small that I was able to smell Calum's cologne. I was brought back to reality when Kian's deep voice began to speak.

" Hi I am Kian Daniels and I am going to be playing Billie Jean by Michael Jackson," he stated.

As he started to play, was fairly tall I'd say around 182.88cm (6ft). He was had a button up long sleeve shirt that was buttoned all the way up with jeans and vans. He had a swoopie brunette hair and wore glasses but his eyes like Calum made him look Asian too lol.

When he, his voice carried a deep, husky tone. The way he played the cords on his guitar were so precise that you would think his life depended on play the right cords. He is just oh my lord the voice, his playing I can't take it.

When finished all the girls groaned. He bowed, then struts off stage as the girls started to fan girl over him. Calum nudges me and reminds me that it's my turn.

He quickly squeezes my hand and wishes me good luck.

As I leave the audience everyone gives me a thumbs up. I go backstage, all of a sudden I realize I didn't have anything to sing to. The nerves were starting to get to me. I see Kian walk past me and smiles.

I ask shyly, " Um is there you can play guitar for me?" I ended up giving my please help me I'm dying smile.

He answered back, " Sure, what song are you thinking of?"

I bite my lip, looking at him and answer back " I don't know really, I don't usually do this."

" How about Say Something it's always a crowd pleaser."

I agreed, thinking that I somewhat had a plan. They called my name to go up. I look down at my nails and start to pick at them before I entered the stage. It's show time, let's see how this goes.

Hiya haven't updated in a while ik I get writers block a lot so Ya but now I'm back so I hope you enjoy. And may Calum be in my bed when I wake


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2015 ⏰

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