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As I look out of my window and see a tiny town. I am here. Where is here, you might ask? Brisbane, Australia is where I am going to be spending my summer. I am going to be going to Puppecko (pronounced pup-echo) Music Camp for the talented and interested.

Ah it seems like yesterday since I signed to go.


" Hey Violet there is this amazing program this summer for musicians, you should apply it would look great on a college application" my mother yells from the kitchen as I walked through the door, "plus you will also be able to meet new people."

" Oh great mom are you hinting yet again that you don't like my friends?" my mom has this thing about the people I hang out with. She thinks just because we like to wear dark colors and have more than one piercing its bad.

" No dear they are quite an interesting group of people but I just think you might need a variety in the people you are with," she argued "besides the fact that you sing every single minute of the day this will be an opportunity to actually do something with that talent and it's also a way for me to have a non-singing household, not that there is anything wrong with your voice but honey I need a break."

She handed me the papers to sign it. I hesitated a bit just because I was a anxious because I get really nervous around new people. But it is also it is a way for me to get out of my awkward bubble.

" Okay, fine. I'll do it but you didn't have to put it that way," I decided and I quickly scribbled my signature onto the fine print, I don't know why but I kind of feel excited.

" Oh by the way its in Australia" she blurted out, " and since it is in Australia it's a sleep away camp."

" Australia, as in 16,510 kilometers away from here!" I screamed at my mum, " and 104 days away with random people I don't know, wait are there guys there?" my mom then gave me that look. You know like that look someone gives you when your saying something really stupid and they're just like your kidding me or are you serious. So by that look I know there are going to be guys there." then fuck yea I'm going for sure, watch out boys here comes Violet!" and I run up to my bedroom to go in pack because summer break starts this week. "Shit!" I need clothes, "MUMMM we need to go shopping I need new clothes!"

*end of week*

After spending most of the week buying things for the whole summer it's now time to head off to the airport. We had to go to Manchester because this trip is like bloody 27 hours and 35 min {a/n looked that up actually and like dang that is really long like how can Troye Sivan do that all the time} I don't even know. Thankfully my mum got me a round-trip because if it was a one way I would of died. I am stopping in Abu Dhabi and Singapore, which is in the UAE (United Arab Emirates) and Asia then I'll be in Brisbane. So it's going to be long, at least my mom bought me some beats surprisingly and I was able to fill my phone with all of my favorite music. She also gave me a credit card for if I want to buy anything there.

I felt the car start to slow down, I look out of the window and see a bunch of people outside hugging each other as they say there last goodbyes before they separate. My little brother and sister Kian and Tess we holding on to me as my dad was getting my bags out. They are twins and love to attach to me when I am with them like who can say no to them their eyes a huge so it isn't that hard to say no. Plus they have these grey eyes that just make me melt, oh my lord it's adorable.

Sadly I had to say bye, with my mother and siblings crying and my dad telling me not to get pregnant. Ha like I attract guys psh HA. After leaving my family it kind of hit me that I'm not going to see them for two month.

I start to breath really quickly and I know for sure im having a panic attack. Great just what I need. I run to the bathroom so I can splash some water on my face. When I get in there I see a familiar figure.

" Daisy?" the person turns around quickly and I sequel with joy. " Oh my lord Daisy what are you doing here?" First thing first I may say Daisy is my cousin from Ireland. We barely see each other so when we do its like all hell breaks loose.

" I have a connecting flight to Brisbane for a music camp," she explained " Why are you here?"

" Holy shit, thank the lord I am going to the same thing, my mom said its a way for me to find new friends and have something to put on my college application."

After getting everything set out we left to our terminal, it was only 20 minutes away from getting on the plane so we had a bite at the Wendy's near by.

*normal time*

We are now only 10 minutes away from landing in Brisbane and I am so excited, but really tired because of the time changing. Daisy has slept through most of each flights like I don't even now how she can sleep through these things. I have mostly been listening to my music and watching the movies they gave us on the teli.

" Ladies and gentlemen please buckle up your seatbelts, we shall be ariving in Brisbane in just a few moments thank you for flying Virgin Australia and we hope to see you again soon." the flight attendent said as we were preparing to descend.





Finallly we are on solid ground we checked out all our bags and quickly ran to the loo. Cause like you no when a girls gots to go A GIRL GOTS TO GO!! As I am running with all my luggage on me I bump in to someone really tall so I kind of face plant in to their chest.

" Shit you're a giant!" the boy starts to laugh at my comment. Oh great I said that out loud I slapped my hand over my mouth just incase I don't say anything else stupid literally I can feel myself blushing. The guy helps me up and hands me the bag that I let go of while I hit him, when I looked up to him and I see his slightly squinted eyes, hmm maybe he is asian {A/N sorry guys just had to make that joke like seriousl it's Calum and everyone thinks that when they see him.} but his hair and those chocolate eyes they literally just made my heart melt "He is beautiful"

" Well thank you love I would have to say the same 'bout you too," shit I said it out loud again. " Ha-ha ya sorry gotta run need to go pee" seiously Violet why did you tell him you needed to pee! So gross so gross, gosh why are you such a screw up. I looked back one last time to see the extremely hot lad. If I can guess right he is most likely from here because of his accent uggghhhhhh I wanna see him again.

After finally going to the bathroom, I went to the bus that was picking all the kids up from the airport. I gave the bus driver my luggage to put in the compartment on the side of the bus and walk in. As I walk in I see Daisy talking to a kid with a ACDC muscle tee and a bandana wrapped around his dirty blonde hair. I'll have to find out about him later. I see two guys sitting across from Daisy and ACDC guy. One has hair that is the same color as blueberries lol and the other boy had bright blonde hair and eyes like aquamarine crystals like omg they are perfect. And the fact that he has a stuffed penguin in his arms is adorable. Then I see him the giant asian looking aussie I bumped into before i went to the bathroom. Nobody is sitting next to him so I plop right next to him. As I sit I looked at him and smiled.

" Hi my name is Calum and I am not asian."

/// So hi guys this is my first fan fiction and as you can tell it is of the wonderful kiwi Calum Hood. I hope you like it feel free to comment if I need to correct anything and ya. Comment, vote, follow do as your heart desires.///

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