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      "𝘵ú 𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘴 𝘦𝘭 𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘳 𝘥𝘦𝘭 𝘤𝘶𝘢𝘭 𝘺𝘰 𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘰.".

                     ·:*¨༺ ★ ༻¨*:·.

I sat up on the bed. I've been staying at the butterfly mansion for almost a week. My arm was broken but it got better.

Everyone else was relieved we survived But then after that I fell really sick. Then aoi came into the room. She sighed. "I'm going to take your temperature now hold still.". Aoi said.

She took my temp and sighed. "Your really sick y/n.". Aoi said. "I'm fine I promise.". I said before I sneezed. "Your lucky your arm isn't permently broken. if you weren't half demon it would have been a problem.". she said.

I gave a soft smile. "I haven't broken my arm like this since I first killed an upper moon.". I said.

"How are Tanjiro and all his friends?". I asked. "Tanjiro is still sleeping, inosuke survived luckily, and zenistu is doing really good.". Aoi said.

"Seems out of everyone you worry about inosuke the most.". I said smirking. Aoi blushed.

"W-What that's not true.". Aoi said. I giggled.

"Yeah I'm sure.". I said. Aoi exhaled. "Look no sneaking out and training, you do that you'll hurt yourself more. Your very sick and it'll take time.". Aoi said leaving the room.

I rolled my eyes. "Pfft I'm totally doing that.". I said getting up. I felt dizzy. Then I sat on the bed again. "Maybe doing that wasn't such a good idea.". I said.

"Whatever.". I said getting up once again. I put my slippers on and started to walk out. I opened to see muchiro. I jumped back and fell landing on my butt.

I groaned in pain. "What are you doing Arnt you sick?". Muchiro asked. Then he took out his hand to help me up. I took his hand and he helped me up.

Then I sneezed. "I'm not sick I don't know what your talking about.". I said crossing my arms. "Yeah that temperature, that uh girl showed me isn't bad at all.". Muchiro said being sarcastic taking me back to my bed.

Then with still holding my hand he sat with me. My face was really red. "Your really red, see your really sick.". Muchiro said using his other hand to feel my head. Then aoi came in the room.

"I brought food for you both.". Aoi said. Then muchiro let go of my hand.

"noo, why did you let go.".

Then me and muchiro ate. We talked and he made jokes that made me laugh.

"You actually thought that was funny?". Muchiro asked. "Yeah of course why?". I asked. Muchiro just shrugged. Then muchiro came really close to my face.

Like 2 inches away from my nose. Then he whispered in my ear.

"Come to the wisteria tree tomorrow night.". Muchiro whispered then he got up. I was speechless. My face was all red.

Then muchiro turned to me. "Bye y/n see you tomorrow.". Muchiro said waving bye to me. I was just shocked.

Then Tengen entered the room. "Ah y/n how are you doing?". Tengen asked.

He looked at me confused. Then he smirked. "Is this about muchiro?". He asked. "What! How did you know?!?". I shouted.

"I mean I kinda was spying on you two and your face.". He laughed. "Why were you spying on us!". I said. He laughed again. "It's crazy you have a huge crush on him but you won't say anything to him.". He said.

"is it that obvious!". i asked. "it sure is.". tengen said.

"damn these teenage feelings.".

"he doesn't even like me like that anyways.". i huffed.

𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭 • ᵐᵘᶜʰⁱʳᵒ ᵗᵒᵏⁱᵗᵒ Where stories live. Discover now