Chapter One

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"Open up police!" The thumping begins on the door, I almost jump out of my skin the as the loud banging gets more urgent. "Ric, who the fuck's that?" I half whisper but I make no effort to move as I sit rooted to the spot. My boyfriend Ric's eyes widen with fear. "Police, open up, we have a warrant to search the room." I look at Ric, open mouthed, I can't understand what is happening, perspiration is now dripping down his face and he is sheet white. I move as if in slow motion towards the door and open it up to see two burly police officers complete with bullet proof vests, looking as though they are about to face a riot not the university halls of residence room of a 21-year-old music student. "Can I help you, are you sure you are at the right place?" "Move aside please we have a warrant to search this room." Ric still says nothing, "Ric, what's going on why are they here?" Ric wipes the sweat of his head and snaps, "Just do as they say, Lucy, just move out of the fucking way," he moves past me and brushes against me aggressively, I feel the sting of tears threatening to spill any moment. Ric sneeringly scathes, "Don't pretend to be so innocent Lucy, you're not so innocent, I know that." I am stunned, I don't' know what he is talking about, I'm hoping that someone is going to wake me from this nightmare. Other students alerted by the commotion start wandering down the corridor and not so subtly peering in to see what the drama is all about. I look apologetically at them while one officer is busy ripping the room apart, duvets, drawers being flung open, no care for any items being taken. The other one shouts at all the other students "Everyone clear the corridor, apart from you two," he glares in our direction. The other students scurry off and Ric nervously runs his fingers through his long dark hair. I am still standing as if in a daze, I whisper to Ric, "What's going on babe?" He just ignores me and continues to run his fingers through his hair gulping furiously as if he is struggling to breathe. Finally, the police officer pulls a plastic clear bag from behind the sink in Ric's room and bingo they appear to have found what they came for and before I can utter a word, we are both being sharply twisted around, and handcuffs slapped on our wrists. The police officer reads us our rights like I've seen so many times on the TV, I almost want to start laughing as though someone is playing a prank on us but the expression on Ric's face tells me this is no joke, he looks guilty, I should know I've been with him for a year, I like to think I know every little thing about my boyfriend, obviously I don't have a clue. The police officer gets to the part about what he is arresting us for, the alleged offence is 'possession with intent to supply' including some Class A drugs and it is beginning to dawn on me that perhaps my life is now royally fucked. The panic surges through my body as I can see everything I've worked so hard for, start to slip through my fingers. We are unceremoniously marched out of the university halls of residence; shame is prickling my skin as we are led outside into the cold grey morning blanketing London. Our fellow students are lining the outside streets to witness my public shaming, filming on their cell phones. As we approach the police car the rain begins lashing down, the rain drops mix with my tears and splash down my face. I bite my lip trying to stifle the sob that is struggling to break free. Out of the corner of my eye I see another police officer talking to the Dean of the university explaining what is happening. The Dean walks over to me just before they bundle me into the car, a worried expression etched on his face, "Lucy, seems like they have found drugs in Ric's bedroom, they received a tip off from another student, it's not looking good Lucy, it has been claimed that Ric has been dealing drugs on the university campus, if that is the case he will be expelled from the university and other criminal charges will follow." He looks down avoiding eye contact and I break out in a cold sweat as another wave of nausea hits, "I sincerely hope that you are not involved in any way, you are a remarkable student and I had high hopes for you." I can't stop the tears falling now, I want to stay strong, but I can't, I'm shuffling from one foot to the other trying to contain the raging anxiety inside me and I clutch onto his arm willing him to trust me, "I promise you Sir, whatever happens I had no knowledge that Ric was dealing drugs, I know that seems hard to believe when we've been together for so long but I swear it's true." He silently pats me on the shoulder with a grim expression, whilst I get escorted into the police car, hand over my head as they push me into the back seat. The flashing blue light of the car siren bounces off the dean's face highlighting his disappointment as he watches me drive away. Ric is in the car behind me, he hasn't said any words of encouragement or support, and this only increases the dread building in my stomach. As we begin our drive through the streets of London, I ask the officer which station he is taking us to, "Marylebone station Miss," he barks. I close my eyes silently praying that everything is going to be ok, that this is just some big mistake, but how can it be, they found the drugs in his bedroom. I have had no knowledge or suspicion of Ric dealing drugs since we have been together. I thought I loved him, if this is true, I didn't even know him. Our relationship started after we both began our music degree this year, we were often at gigs together, Ric played lead guitar in a university band, we spent every weekend at parties and concerts. We both played the guitar, and this is something that drew us to each other right from the start. Ric had always been around drugs, everyone knows that it is part of the music scene and Ric had encouraged me to smoke weed with him and I loved the feeling of escape it gave me, peaceful oblivion to forget my painful past growing up in children's homes and foster care after my parent's abandoned me when I was a baby. Music has had my heart and soul for as long as I remember. I first got a guitar age 6 when a foster family gave me their grown-up son's weathered guitar and I saved up to get new strings, it has been my most valuable possession that I've cherished for years. I always found school easy, even without the loving family support and encouragement behind me and I managed to pass all my exams to get myself into university to study for a music degree. When I first met Ric at a university party, I was swept away with him, he looked like a tortured musician with his long dark hair, leather jacket and ripped jeans and he was loaded with charisma, every party he was at he would always be the life and soul and I was drawn to him like a magnet. Unfortunately, the reason he was the life and soul of the party most of the time was down to his habit of taking as many drugs as he could get his hands on, weed, cocaine, ecstasy and he tried to drag everyone along for the ride. Ric made me feel special and I've never felt like that before with anyone and I had stupidly got sucked into the drug scene, it began to take over my life and my study was being affected, my childhood best friends Charlie and Livia could see what was happening to me and they were begging me to get away from him. Charlie was talking about kidnapping me and locking me in a room and I don't think he was joking. Charlie could see where this was all headed, exactly to where I am today, frightened and alone in the back of a police car. Finally, we arrive at the police station, and I am led to the interview room, hostile eyes glare at me as I am walked through the reception. I glance at Ric behind me, his eyes look dead and defeated and he makes no attempt to look at me and my stomach sinks, I mentally steel myself to deal with the ensuing pain. In this moment I feel like I'm about to lose everything, and maybe I've only got myself to blame. I know I wasn't involved in selling and possessing drugs but I sure as hell am guilty of taking them. I'm directed to sit down at the cheap plastic table covered in cigarette burns and coffee cup rings and I'm offered a drink and a phone call. I don't have any family to ring, no one at all and I've never felt so alone. I see the rain beating down on the one small window in the room. I remember when I was a child, I used to watch the raindrops on the window imagining they were racing, I always chose a raindrop and watched it race with the others, I try to focus on this desperately trying to calm my nerves. I manage to get my breathing under control until a phone is being thrust into my hand and I'm instructed now to make my one permitted call. The closest thing I have to a mother is my tutor and mentor on my music college course, I tap the number into the phone dreading the disappointment I am going to cause. "Hello?" I hear Mrs. River's soothing voice. "Um, hi Mrs. Rivers, it's me, you know Lucy Windsor, from the music course," I stammer, my voice broken with shame. "Of course, I know it's you Lucy, the Dean just phoned me to fill me in on the situation, he is incredibly worried about you. Just sit tight I'm coming to the police station now. Look Lucy, I won't sugarcoat it, but you've been going down the wrong path lately and to be honest, it's not an excuse but I know you've had a hard time of it lately. However, I know you would never get involved with dealing drugs and I'll be sure to tell the police officers that. I've been wanting to tell you that Ric is a bad influence on you but you're old enough to make your own choices, and I kept praying you would work it out sooner or later. I'll see you soon, please stay strong and tell the truth". I thank Mrs. Rivers and wait for the officer to return. A large well-built man with a shaved head and unforgiving expression enters the room flanked by what I am informed is the duty solicitor, seeing as I don't have the money to afford one of my own. The officer, Detective Miller presses the recorder and begins the interview. The officer informs me that Ric is apparently claiming that the drugs were mine and he had no knowledge of them. I'm shocked by his betrayal, he was supposedly my first love, and boy am I a bad judge of character, how did I get it so wrong. I explain to them that he is my boyfriend, and I had no knowledge of his alleged dealing, they terminate the interview and leave me there to contemplate the almighty mess I've got myself into. I put my head down on the desk exhausted. I must fall asleep because when I awake the clock on the wall is now showing 9pm in the evening. My stomach protests its hunger with a large grumble, I haven't had a chance to eat all day. My body shivers with fear as I hug myself tightly trying to curb the relentless panic building inside. After what feels like forever another officer enters the room and informs me to my absolute joy that I am free to go. Apparently, they have video evidence of Ric dealing and many witnesses from their inquiries at the university that indicate he was involved in selling the drugs. Thankfully, not one witness incriminates me, people know that he was my boyfriend but never saw me with him when he was dealing. I am stunned, "Thank you so much!" I want to hug him, the officer rubs his hand awkwardly on the back of his neck, "Look Ms. Windsor, it's pretty apparent that you weren't involved in dealing the drugs, but are aware that you were involved in the drug party scene and I'm also aware of your background in care, Mrs. Rivers has kindly filled me in. She also told me that you have a god given talent in your music. I've seen enough kids from care screw their lives up and end up in prison or homeless. I'm telling you now, don't waste what you've got, the university has staunchly supported you but if you step out of line one more time, I'll be coming down on you like a ton of bricks." He only has to say that once for me to jump out of my seat and run to the door and straight into the arms of Mrs. Rivers who is loitering nervously behind him. I collapse on her shoulder sobbing, I'm sure I'm ruining her beautiful silk blouse as tears seep into her shoulder. "Come on Lucy, let's get you home," she soothes, stroking my hair. "What are we going back to the university now?" "No, Lucy, you can come back to my house for a bit, I want to have a chat with you anyway." We drive back in silence to Mrs. Rivers home and eventually pull up next to a quaint Victorian house with an impeccably tidy front lawn. She offers me a drink and we sit down in her front room. I glance round at all the photos of her smiling children, happy and carefree faces looking down at us, all grown up now and some with children of their own. It's a sobering thought knowing that I have no family, I wish that my face was on someone's wall that someone loved me enough to want to have a constant reminder of me. "Look Lucy," Mrs. Rivers starts, "I'm aware you been involved with Ric long enough to have been dragged into that lifestyle, but you need to know that drugs are never the answer to deal with pain, drugs only ever add to the misery and will ultimately destroy you in the process, you've got a chance with this music course to make something of yourself." "I know Mrs. Rivers, I'm very sorry, I won't let you down again, I promise." "I know you won't Lucy, I do have faith in you and I think you felt having Ric in your life was the love that you felt like you needed," she pauses for a second and grabs both my hands, "That's why I'm going to give you this opportunity," she smooths down her skirt picking at an imaginary speck of dust and fiddles with her glasses on the bridge of her nose, "Every year we send one outstanding student to study one semester of their music course at the prestigious university in New York, it an excellent opportunity to broaden your education and to put you in touch with many music industry executives who often look for talent at these universities." She holds out her finger to emphasize her next point, "But Lucy I am putting a huge amount of trust in you and am putting my reputation on the line. As a condition, I want you to attend a weekly support group for people dealing with drug issues. Also, I have a dear friend in New York, Professor Michaels, who has very kindly offered to accommodate you. I feel like staying in a family environment will help steer you away from any temptations, also he has a daughter the same age as you participating in the music course that you are on and I have it on high authority that she is an excellent student and will be a wonderful influence in helping you to make the right choices in the future, so what do you think Lucy?" I almost drop my cup of tea I am so stunned and slowly a huge grin envelops my face "What do I think, I think I love you Mrs. Rivers! I think you've just told me that I've won the lottery and I can promise you with every ounce of my being that I will most certainly not let you down and I will make you so proud if it's the last thing I ever do!" I fling my arms around Mrs. Rivers almost suffocating her in a huge bear hug. Mrs. Rivers wipes tears from her eyes and can honestly say I've never felt happier or more loved.

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