Chapter Two

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One Republic is blaring from my stereo. Charlie and Livia are here helping me to pack, they are the closest thing I have to a brother and sister as I grew up with them in care, I would lay down my life for them. Charlie grins and picks up my red lacey underwear, "Who are you planning on impressing with this little number," I smack him lovingly on the shoulder, "none of your business, perv!" Charlie rubs his dark buzz cut and sadness clouds over his eyes, "We're going to miss you Lucy, but I'm glad you got away from that loser Ric, it was killing us to see you with him when we knew how bad he was for you, I'm so glad things have worked out for you and this New York trip is gonna be amazing." I lean my head onto Charlie's shoulder, and he strokes the top of my head, "I know, I'm so lucky to get this opportunity, who'd have thought little old me would be going to New York, the furthest we ever got was that day trip to Blackpool when we were in the care home, you remember?" Charlie and Livia both laugh, "Oh my god," Livia chuckles, "I remember that day it was bloody freezing, and we were all huddled on the beach in our coats." "Yeah but the fish and chips were nice," Charlie recalls. Livia grimaces at him, "trust you, Charlie, always thinking with your stomach!" Charlie pats his stomach grinning, "yeah but I'm a growing boy, I need my nourishment." There is definitely a lot of Charlie to nourish, all 6ft 2 inches and solid muscle, if he wasn't like a brother to me, I would seriously be interested in dating him plus Charlie has never been in a relationship, well not unless you count a new relationship every two weeks. I guess that's what happens to you when you spend most of your life without loving parents, you don't know how to love or how to pick the right people, hence why I made such a big mistake with Ric. Most of my packing is nearly done and I'm just waiting for Mrs. Rivers to arrive, as she is going to drive me to the airport, I hear the honk of the horn outside, I glance out the window and see Mrs. Rivers sitting at the wheel of her shiny red mini. I turn to Charlie and Livia and stretch out my arms so that I can hug them both. "Promise me you'll come and visit, if you can?" "Try and stop us, I'm going to try and save up, work lots more hours at the garage," Charlie promises. A few tears spill over, I brush them away furiously, but I see Livia's eyes brimming with emotion, "I'm coming to see you Lucy no matter how many hours I need to work in the pub, and you're only going to be away till next June, so I've got plenty of time to save, we can manage that, and you have to text, email, skype whenever you can, promise." "I promise guys, you're not getting rid of me that easily!" We walk out together arm in arm, Mrs. Rivers jumps out to help with my suitcases, we manage to squeeze them into the back of her mini. I give Charlie and Livia one final hug before I get into the passenger seat, Mrs. Rivers gets back into the car to give us a moment of privacy. Livia brushes my hair out of my eyes for me and forces a cheerful face on, "Hey Lucy don't get any funny ideas about snagging yourself an American boyfriend and never coming back to us again." Charlie bumps his shoulder into mine. "Yeah you heard her sis, staying there isn't even an option, promise us you're coming back again. I nod silently, "I promise, it's not even an option for me, you are my family and all I've got and I'm never leaving you." Now I can't hold back anymore, my tears are falling unrestrained. I open the mini door and slide in. As we drive off, I press my nose into the side of the window and blow my cheeks out and watch as Charlie and Livia laugh at my stupidity, I'm happy that the lasting image I have of them is of them laughing. Mrs. Rivers turns to me with an anxious expression on her face, "You ok Lucy?" "Yes, Mrs. Rivers, thanks to you, I'm the happiest I've ever been, and I couldn't be more excited for this opportunity." Mrs. Rivers ruffles my hair and smiles, "You deserve it Lucy, if it wasn't for your musical talent, this wouldn't be happening, so you can thank yourself." I watch London pass me by in a blur of tears as we head for the airport, I'm going to miss this town. Soon we are on the motorway, I watch the clouds through the window following us. In no time, Mrs. Rivers has pulled the car up to the airport departures, she helps me with my suitcases and it's time for another goodbye. I stand there at a loss for words for once and Mrs. Rivers always a picture of composure, smooths a few stray hairs from her face and repositions her glasses, "Lucy, I know you are going to make a success of this year but promise me to keep up with your support group meetings, it is important to have some sensible guidance in your life, to help you steer clear of destructive influences." "Yes, Mrs. Rivers I understand that, and I will make sure to email you with updates all the time." "Thank you Lucy and I will keep in touch with Professor Michaels, and he can also let me know how you are doing, don't worry though it's not like I will be spying on you." "I understand Mrs. Rivers and I totally wouldn't blame you for spying given my bad choices lately!" With one final hug I turn away towards my future and I don't look back, if I do, I'm scared I'll lose the courage to go, and I need this chance too badly.

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