Chapter 4 - Our lost hope

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*6 months later*
*Perrie's P.O.V*
It's been six months.. Exactly six months without my best friend, without Jade. Doctors already have doubts that she will wake up, but I know that she will, she wouldn't leave us, right? Everyone seemed to have moved on, but not me, I still visit her in the hospital every single day. A lot has changed in those months, most suprisingly Harry doesn't seem to care about Jade and her health. He faced up to the fact that she will never wake up from coma, that hurts the most, I bet he already slept with a number of girls through that time.
Another change in our lifes is that there is no more ''Little Mix", we all realised that we can't be a successfull music group without the main peace. I know that we dissapointed a huge number of our lovely fans, but we can't do anything about it. Officialy last concert was about a month ago, I can admit that it was the hardest disicion of my entire life. I felt really terrible, but we all knew that this was the best for all of us.
Just by that moment my thoughts got disturbed by a phone ring. I jumped up and saw doctors name on my telephone's screen, I didn't waste any time and quikly picked up.
"Hey, Ms. Perrie. I'm terribly sorry, but today we will shut down all the machines that keeps our patient Ms. Jade Thirlwall alive. I'm very sorry, if you want to say goodbye you still have a chance to come to our hospital, we will disconnect her in 3 hours."
That was what I was afraid to hear all those six months, my all life seemed to slip away from my hands. I couldn't believe what I heard. I told the doctor that I will come to say goodbye to my dear friend and hang up. I was in a huge shock, I rushed out my house with just some grey sweatpants, tank top and trainers. There was craziness happining in my mind, tears were falling down my cheeks, I barely could see the road through my watery eyes. As I finally reached the hospital I ran straight to the room where Jade was keeped. In my surprise Harry was here too, actually everyone was here and I could see that everyone was suffering to accept the fact that in just few hours there will never be a chance for that woman to wake up. The doctors let everyone one by one to say last goodbyes to Jade. I slipped to the ground, it was really hard for me to handle all this preasure, it was just too much for me. I started to cry heavily, Jade's mother leaned to me and wrapped her arms around me, she held me like my own mother, she stroke my hair softly and tried to calm me down. Suddenly she teared up too, it was very difficult.. We both cried, we both now knew that she will lose her daugher and I will lose my other half, my dear bestfriend...
It was my turn to go, I was one of the lasts, but doctors let me stay with her for a longer time. As I came into the room where Jade was I started crying even more, I couldn't do anything about it. I sat on a chair beside her bed, I took her hand and put my head on her belly. All I ever wanted by that moment for her to wake up from coma and come back to our lifes, and live like we used to before, happily. It was time for me to say final goodbye and let doctors disconnect her. I kissed her forehead and slowly walked away from her. The doctor told me that I have to get out of the room, and I guess I didn't have another choice, I did what he told me. They closed the door and I felt even worse, because all of my hopes that she will wake up were now gone... Just then a voice in my head told me to stop doctors from disconnecting her, because there is hope. I didn't know what I was doing, because in a state that I was. I ran back into the room and pushed doctors out of the way, I grabbed Jade's hand again and just then I felt her finger slightly move...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2015 ⏰

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