1. Introduction

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TW: mentions of scars

Y/N pov

Tomorrow marks the beginning of my senior year in high school. I'm eagerly looking forward to the culmination of this academic year, as it brings me one step closer to my long-awaited journey into university. The prospect of studying medicine has been my unwavering passion, a dream I've held onto for as long as I can remember.

Throughout my life, I've navigated its twists and turns largely on my own. My mother, battling alcoholism and addiction, often finds solace outside our home, leaving me to face the challenges within. My father, a wonderful man whom I cherished deeply, departed when I was just four years old. Without any siblings of my own, I've embraced the role of caretaker for a neighbor's daughter. She's an endearing soul who affectionately refers to me as her sister, fostering a bond that provides me with a sense of familial connection. Despite grappling with my own uncertainties, looking after her brings a comforting purpose to my life.

Maintaining high academic achievements has been a priority for me as I relentlessly strive for a brighter future. I'm determined not to follow in my mother's footsteps, considering the challenges she faces due to addiction. Despite my academic success, the struggles within my home and the absence of love have led to difficult moments. These internal battles have left their mark, manifested as scars on my arms, legs, and stomach. I'm adept at concealing them, choosing not to expose my body. Amidst it all, there's one person who knows every facet of my life, my best friend, Margaret. Our friendship, forged at the tender ages of 5 and 3, has withstood the test of time, offering a steadfast source of trust and support as we've grown up together.

As I prepare for tomorrow, there's a hint of nervousness in the air. The arrival of a new English teacher adds an extra layer of anticipation. I've noticed a pattern in my attraction to older women, and it occasionally leaves me uncertain about how to navigate those situations. I've already developed a mild crush on my Spanish and arts teachers, Sarah and Sandra, but I view it as nothing more than a fleeting infatuation.

The next day 6am

I woke up earlier than usual today, unable to shake off the restlessness. As I begin to get ready, I grab a quick breakfast. Glancing at my phone, I notice it's already 7 am, and there's a message from Margaret, just like every day:

Maggie: Good morning bestie! How did u sleep?

She always inquires about how I slept, aware of my ongoing struggles with it. After exchanging messages for about half an hour, I make my way to my neighbor's house to greet Bonnie, my neighbor's daughter.

Y/N: Hi Bon! Are you ready for your first day of school? Bonnie: Hi Y/N! Yes, I am. I want to see all of my friends again! - she says really excited. Y/N: Good, that's good. Do you want to have lunch with me today and tell me everything? Bonnie: Yes! Yes! - she says jumping and hugging me. Y/N: Okay, perfect. I'll be here at half past two. See you!

Bonnie: Bye Y/N!

I close the door and make my way to school. It's a 20-minute walk, so I know I'll be a little early.

I arrive at school and catch up with Maggie. We discuss our thoughts on who the new English teacher might be, both feeling a bit anxious about the introduction. Despite the age difference, we share some teachers. As the bell rings, signaling the start of classes, we part ways and head to our respective classrooms.

I don't have any friends in my class, and I find it challenging to connect with anyone. I prefer sitting at the back, but it often makes me feel like I don't belong. The only solace I find in class is my rapport with the teachers, most of whom I have a good relationship with. This year, I'm anxious about not yet knowing who our tutor is.

Lost in my thoughts, I failed to notice the entrance of a blonde woman into the room. My attention is drawn when I hear her voice:

X: Hello, class! I'm Miss Blanchett, and I'll be your English teacher and tutor this year.

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