7. Parking Lot

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I change into a fresh sweater and go to bed without having dinner; I still can't believe what just happened.

The next day

I only managed to sleep for two hours as my thoughts were consumed by her and the persistent pain. I'm torn about what to do; part of me wants to see her, but I also realize it might be awkward after what occurred yesterday. Then again, nothing really happened. I decide to call Maggie.

Call with Maggie 7:05am
-I need to talk to you.
-Good morning to you too.
-Good morning. So... (explaining everything that happened the day before) and I don't know what to do.
-What do you mean?
-I don't know if I should go to ger class or not. It's gonna be weird.
-Y/N, you have to go. Nothing happened between you two and you're a good student so you shouldn't miss any lessons.
-You're right, but... how do I look at her?
-Just don't look at her.
-You know I can't do that. It's impossible not to look at that face.
-C'mon, are you in love or what?
-Shut up! I won't go to her class today.
-Okay, but just for today. I won't let you do it tomorrow.
-Goodbye, see you later.
End of call 7:07

Already school time

We just wrapped up Sarah's class, and now it's Cate's turn. I quickly exit the classroom before she notices me leaving. I head to the parking lot and discreetly position myself between two random cars. There, I sit down and focus on doing my homework.

An hour later

As the next class approaches, I rise from my spot, scanning the area to ensure it's clear. Suddenly, a voice calls out from behind me.

Cate: You missed my class. -she sounds upset.
Y/N: I'm sorry...
Cate: Why didn't you come? -now she sounds disappointed.
Y/N: I... After what you saw yesterday... I didn't know how to face you...
Cate: Come here. -she says, opening her arms.

We embrace for what feels like an eternity, and then we gaze into each other's eyes, just like yesterday. This time, I try not to let my eyes wander to her lips to avoid making things uncomfortable. However, now it's her who is gazing at mine. Our faces draw closer with each passing second, and our lips are almost touching when she suddenly speaks.

Cate: You should head to your next class; otherwise, you'll be late.
Y/N: Yes -I can't say anything else.

We part ways, and she heads to her car. I remain standing there, contemplating what just transpired when I hear a voice.

Sandra: Hello Y/N. Can you explain what that was?
Y/N: What do you mean?
Sandra: You and Miss Blanchett -she winks.
Y/N: I skipped her class, and she was telling me not to do it again.
Sandra: Yeah, that's why you were almost kissing -she says in a tone that wasn't meant for me to hear, but I catch it- Anyway, go to your next class!
Y/N: Bye Sandra! -I respond hastily and make a quick exit.

Okay, I wasn't expecting that from Sandra. I mean, I know she's cool and a great teacher, everyone loves her, but I really wasn't expecting that. I hope she doesn't say anything to anyone, though.

The rest of the day drags on like any other mundane day. Thoughts of Cate linger in my mind, weaving their way into the routine of my thoughts.

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