19. What are we?

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Alright, I'll leave you two alone. I'm gonna check on Sandy. -she says, exiting the room.
Y/N: Don't worry, I understand. -responding to Maggie- But I think you should tell her. She didn't say anything? -I ask, recalling what Sandra mentioned the day before.
Maggie: Anything about what?
Y/N: Oh, nothing! Just tell her; I'm sure nothing bad will happen.
Maggie: Have you and Cate discussed what you are? I mean, are you in a reationship or something?
Y/N: We haven't talked about it, and I'm afraid to ask... But don't worry, I'll bring it up soon.
Maggie: Okay. I'm sure she wants to be with you; don't worry about it. You already look like a couple together. -I blush at the comment.

Cate and Sandra stroll into the living room, the latter sporting a t-shirt that Cate provided since she didn't have her own.

Sandra: My shirt looks better on you than it does on me. -she whispers to Maggie, but I manage to hear- Do you want to spend the day at my house? Just us! -hearing that, I can tell Maggie is ecstatic.
Maggie: I would love it!

Meanwhile, Cate wraps her arms around me from behind and whispers into my ear.

Cate: Would you like to go to the mall today, or do you prefer to stay here and watch a movie?
Y/N: How about we go to the mall and then watch a movie? Although, I want to talk to you first.
Cate: About what?
Y/N: We'll talk when they're gone.

An hour later

Sandra and Maggie left about half an hour ago, and now I feel prepared to talk to Cate about us. I'm a bit nervous, as this conversation could potentially mark the end of everything, but deep down, I have a feeling it's going to be okay. We're both seated on the couch.

Cate: Do you wanna talk now? -she looks a bit concerned.
Y/N: Yes, I do... I was wondering... What are we? -she looks a bit confused, so I continue- Are we in a relationship? Do you want to be in a relationship with me? Are we just friends with benefits? Or are we nothing? -I say, all in one breath.
Cate: Relax, sweetie -she says, putting a hand on my knee- It's clear that we're not nothing -I nod- and... would you like to be my girlfriend? Well... my secret girlfriend?
Y/N: I mean... I would love to, but I'm scared you might leave me because I've never been in a relationship before, and you probably have, so you're more experienced than me, and... -she cuts me off.
Cate: Don't worry about that. I'm sure you'll be the best girlfriend -I blush.
Y/N: So that's it? You're my girlfriend?
Cate: Yes, I am.

Right now, I'm at a loss for words to convey what I'm feeling. I'm incredibly happy, like, so, so happy. I can't believe she wants to be my girlfriend. I can't believe she IS my girlfriend. Amidst all this happiness, I also ponder if everything is moving too fast, but I won't voice that to her. I'll just go with the flow and relish the happiness while it lasts.

Cate: Okay, I think the mall idea is not so good since your classmates could be there, and I don't know what they'd think if they saw their teacher with a student.
Y/N: You're right. Let's watch a movie!
Cate: You choose, sweetie. Meanwhile, I'll go grab something to eat.

Later that day

Cate and I opted for the first Harry Potter movie, or rather, I suggested it. I couldn't believe she had never watched it before! Nevertheless, we enjoyed the movie and then had lunch together. Everything felt perfect with her, except for the unfortunate reality that we had to keep our relationship hidden from the rest of the world. I just want to scream aloud that my girlfriend is the most beautiful woman in this world, but I can't, as it would jeopardize our relationship. Calling her my girlfriend still feels a bit strange, but I'm confident I'll quickly get used to it.

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