Stormy Nights pt 1 maybe (Brandon x Rois)

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Brandon's POV:

Racing towards her house in the dark under a very wet umbrella, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Ignoring my texts, calls, hell, even when I talk to her in person she finds a way to escape from me. It's been happening for way too long, and I'm desperate to find out what she's been hiding. Girls don't just ignore me like that, I'm always the first to be noticed when I walk into a room. I'm the star of the night, the eye catcher, anything positive you can think of, thats me. Yes I am aware that I think very highly of myself, but that's just cuz I'm so cool ;). Knowing that Rois doesn't think highly of me like other girls do keeps me intrigued about her all the time. She's like my drug, I need more of her every minute of every day, but with her acting like this, I'm having withdrawal symptoms😐. I'm done waiting around waiting for her to realize I'm here for her and will do anything in my power to help her with whatever is going on, so I'm frantically trying to get to her house before I'm as wet as her when she looks at me🙄.

Rois' POV:


It's 1 in the morning!! I knew avoiding him forever was going to be impossible but him knocking on my door at this time?! That's a real man.. I think to myself. Or maybe I'm thinking too much into it. Maybe he's just wanting to return something that I left at his house a while ago. Maybe he's coming to tell me in person that he's finally done with trying to break me?

I'll explain what I meant by that. Ever since a few weeks ago, he's been trying to get under my skin by occasionally glancing and winking at other girls while talking to me. Sometimes, those other girls even managed to completely steal his attention and take him away. I told myself that I wouldn't let it affect me at first, it's not like he was my boyfriend. But the issue was that I wanted him to be. I still do. Eventually, I let it all get under my skin. The sneaky glances at other women, the random "Sorry, my mom needs me" excuses, the way he'd back away to the opposite side of the room when I walked in. I got so insecure about it that I decided to ignore him back, because too can play that fucking game. So far I've gone 2 weeks strong without making any contact with him, besides a bit of eye contact which I never let last more than 2.6 seconds. But now he's at my door, knocking like he's going to get sucked in by a black hole if I don't open it!

What in the WORLD does he think he's DOING?! If he wants me to stay away from him so bad, he sure isn't showing it by doing this.

Okay anyways he looks hot as fuck tonight even though he's dripping wet so I'm going to open the door.
God Rois you are so going to regret this.

Taking my sweet time walking down the stairs, I quickly fix myself up by making sure my hair isn't frizzy everywhere, I don't look panicky and sweaty, and before I know it, I'm standing right infront of the door. I'm so. damn. scared. I actually don't know if I can do this, he's probably here to lash out at me for ignoring him for so long. It's not like I'm in the wrong though, seeing as HE did it first! What'd he even think he was trying to accomplish?! Is he so tired of me that he refuses to give me attention anymore? I was this close to not caring anymore until he showed up at my doorstep. This close to attempting to forget all about him by spending my nights at clubs and drinking the night away with my friends.

Okay, stop overthinking Rois. On the count of three, you will open this door and face him with no fear.



Two in a half.

Two in a half x2..

Aaand fuck my life.

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