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Your P.O.V.

"I don't like you."

Her words kept ringing in my head. The way she coldlessly stared at me, the way her face didn't even have any emotion.

It was 2 years ago, back when we were still in high school.

And now, I'm standing in front of the university to enter a new stage in my life. For the last time, I thought of her. I replayed those words in my head, before finally forgetting it and moving on.


I turned to my right to see the only person who have been by my side since then.

"Kazuha!" I waved a hand to her as she ran towards me.

"You're early." I chuckled.

"Yeah, I've been very excited for the first day of school! And that we're finally going to attend the same school everyday." she giggled.

"How can you be excited for that? I already feel dreaded just by thinking of the school works that we're going to do." I sighed.

"Oh, come on." she then put her arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer as we walked to our class.

"This will be fun. I promise." she added.

"Take your seats. I will be discussing our guidelines for this semester so you should listen--"

"Hey." my attention from the professor was cut when Kazuha suddenly called me.

"Hm?" I hummed.

"I still can't believe that we have the same first class. Can you believe it?" she happily asked.

I gave her a huge smile and a nod, turning my attention back at the instructor in front of us.

Me and Kazuha studied in different schools before, so it was hard to meet often. The only thing that got us close was when we took the same bus everyday, we always sat beside each other and she was very friendly.

After our first class ended, we had to go separate ways. Unfortunately, we only had one class together and it was the first one.

"This sucks." she pouted.

We were standing in front of the door to my next class, and she refuses to go to hers.

"Don't worry, we're now attending the same school after all. We'll see each other more often." I told her while patting her shoulder.

"I'll come to you whenever I can, okay?" she smiled and gave my hand a light squeeze before walking away.

As I entered the class, there were already a lot of seats taken. So I had to go to the back to find an empty one.

Beside me, was a very beautiful girl. She had long hair, cute eyes, she looked very much like my type.

I wanted to talk to her, but she looked intimidating and I didn't want to disturb her while she was reading.


I heard a noise somewhere, but I didn't take it as someone calling me so I brushed it off.

"Ow-- what the?!" until a pen was thrown straight into my face.

"Oops, sorry!" I looked to my far right and saw a boy facing me.

"What do you want?" I glared at him.

I took the pen that fell on my table and asked him. I wasn't supposed to be this angry while talking to a stranger, this is definitely a wrong impression.

The guy pointed at the girl beside me and mouthed a 'do you know her?'

I creased my forehead and took a short glance at her. She was still reading, so I immediately looked at the guy.

I shook my head and shrugged, stretching out my hand to give him the pen that he threw at me.

"Can you ask if she's single?" a sly grin was on his lips as he whisper-yelled at me.

What the fuck?

All I could do was frown and knit my eyebrows together, showing him that I am totally displeased of that.

He clasped his hands together and begged me with a pout. And he thinks it's working?

"I'm not interested."

We both looked at the girl who suddenly spoke. She was still looking at the book, but when I looked at her she lifted her head and looked at me.

"Tell that guy over there that I'm not interested." she stated.

Oh God she's staring at me...

My heart was panicking in my chest with how she stared at me, so I quickly looked away and turned to the guy with a smirk on my lips.

"You heard her." I told him while crossing my arms.

He sighed and rolled his eyes, turning his body to the front and slumped on his seat.

Serves him right for throwing a pen in my face.

"Are you okay?" my heart skipped a beat when the girl spoke again.

"What?" I asked, looking at her with wide eyes.

"The pen that hit your face. It left a red mark on your forehead." she pointed with her finger.

I covered my forehead with my palm and mentally cursed from the embrassment.

"I'm fine." I forced a small smile before turning away.

Not until I heard a soft chuckle from her.

"Did you just--"

"What's your name?" she asked with a smile.

Oh. My. God. She has a dimple.

"M-me?" how can I even stutter right now?!

"Did the pen damage your brain or something?" she laughed lightly.

"No." I instantly shook my head.

"I'm Y/n. Shim Y/n." I introduced.

She nodded and looked back at her book, the smile and dimple still on her face.

"How about you?" I asked.

She then looked back at me, and reached out a hand.

"Give me your phone." she demanded.

"Huh? Why?" I questioned.

"Just give me." she insisted.

I gave in and took out the phone from my pocket. After typing in the passcode, I handed it to her and watched as she did something.

"Here." when she gave it back to me, there was a new contact on my phone.

Ahn Yujin

I felt my cheeks heat up as I looked at her with a huge smile on my lips. I opened my mouth to say something, but our professor already entered the room.

"Good morning class. I am Mr. Lee and I will be your instructor for Ethics in Research." he began.

I sighed and locked my phone, putting it back on my pocket to listen. Then someone poked my arm.

Yujin leaned closer, catching me off guard as my whole body froze. Then she whispered something in my ear.

"I don't have your number, so I'll be waiting for your text soon, hm?"

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