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Your P.O.V.

"Chaewon..." Kazuha growled.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her, trying not to stutter.

"Duh, to eat? There are no more other empty tables so let me just eat here peacefully." she answered before taking a bite.

"And you chose to sit here? Go and sit somewhere else, I don't care whether you find one or not. Just go away." Kazuha demanded.

Chaewon didn't dare to talk back, or even look at us. She just sat beside me and ate, like she didn't even hear or see us at all.

I exhaled deeply before looking back at Kazuha, who was still glaring at the girl. I nudged her and shook my head before going back to eating as well.

But then, she stood up and dragged me away from Chaewon.


When there was enough space between us, she went and sat there. Not forgetting to flip her hair and hitting Chaewon's face.

"What the-- can't you see I'm eating?!" she shrieked.

Just like what Chaewon did earlier, Kazuha didn't pay her any attention and went on to eat her food.

The atmosphere in our table became more awkward, but we all ate nonetheless before our next classes would start.

"Kazuha, I'm telling you. You have to control yourself around Chaewon." I told her once we were already in front of my next class.

"Let me rephrase that. She doesn't need to be around us." she stated.

"Ugh, we're in the same school for God's sake. Bumping into each other will happen more often now. Just pay her no mind." I groaned.

"What can I do? What if she sticks around you and you fall for her again?!" she started raising her voice again and people were starting to look at us, so I shushed her and sighed.

"Well it doesn't matter anyways. She doesn't like me, and that's final." I told her.

She seemed to still doubt me, so I had to do something.

"Look, if it makes you feel better, I'll try my best not to interact with her." I assured her.

"You better." she muttered.

I nodded my head and was supposed to go in, but she held my arm.

"You know that I care for you, right?" she said.

"Of course." I forced out a smile and tried to let go of her hand, but she didn't seem to want to let go.

"Uh, Kazu--"

"Whatever I'm doing, and whatever I'm supposed to do, you know that it's all because I care for you, right?" she asked again.

What exactly is she trying to say?

"Kazuha, I know that you're just trying to look out for me. And I appreciate it, really. But I can look out for myself too." I reassured her, gently taking her hand off of me and bidding her goodbye before going inside.

I exhaled deeply as I took my seat. If she wasn't my best friend, I would've felt weird with her acting like that.

But I know that she means well. She just doesn't want me to get hurt again.


I looked up at my right after hearing that voice, and mentally face-palmed as I saw Chaewon about to take the empty seat beside me.

"You can say that again." I mumbled.

She groaned before placing her bag down and slumping on the seat.

"Okay, this is probably just a coincidence but why are you--"

"Don't even start. It's not what you think it is." she cut me off.

"Can I see your schedule?" I asked her, reaching out my hand for her sched.

She rolled her eyes before handing me the paper, as if she was losing a piece of her by doing this. Tsk.

"What the-- we literally have all of our classes together!" I gasped.

She snatched the schedule away from me and gave me a glare.

"I told you, it's not what you think it is." she sassed.

"I'm not saying anything." I retorted.

Seriously, how can I be so blind? Other than her attitude, she literally doesn't even want to be around me.

Why did I even like her in the first place?

"What are you staring at? I have no intentions of bothering you or anything so go do what you were doing." she sassed again.

Before I can open my mouth to talk back, our professor entered the room. I just sighed and took out my notebook.

Throughout all my classes, I tried my best in avoiding her.

But why exactly are all the seats beside me empty?

I walked out of the school, frustrated and confused about Chaewon's sudden appearance. I had my eyes on the ground, until a hand was suddenly placed on my shoulder.


"Oh, Kazuha it's just you." I breathed deeply while holding onto my chest.

"Why? Were you expecting someone else?" she looked at me coldly, sending shivers down my spine.

"No. I was just... thinking." I reasoned.

Again, she had a doubtful look. But she just nodded and took my hand while we both walked to the bus station.

Other than Chaewon, I'm worried about how Kazuha would react once she knows that me and Chaewon have our classes together. I don't even know if I should tell her.

"By the way, did you encounter her again in your classes?" she asked.

I gulped as I kept my gaze forward, avoiding her eyes that I could feel was just staring at me.

"Well... Actually did you know that I have to study Math again?" I changed the topic, hoping that she would forget about the question.

"Yeah, I saw it on your schedule. But you didn't answer my--"

"Look, the bus is here. We should go." I cut her off, pulling her to go inside the bus before she can talk more.

But she'll bother me the whole ride...

Once she's already seaten at the back, I let go of her hand.

"Oh, uh, I forgot to buy something. You should go ahead and go home first." I quickly said.

"What--" she looked at me with a confused expression, but before she can stand up I already ran to the door.

Just in time as the doors closed and took off, I saw her looking at me through the window.

She was mad. And at that moment, I have never been more scared of my life.

She wouldn't be that angry, right? I mean, she'll probably just be upset that I didn't tell her. Or maybe she'll just make me avoid Chaewon at all costs.

Anyway, let's just hope that she's not too hot-headed tomorrow.

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