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Your P.O.V.

"I would like to excuse Shim Y/n, sir."

Kazuha sternly said, staring directly at me as if she was talking to me.

My whole body froze, of course this is how anyone would react when someone like her stares at you like that. Now I had no doubts, she was furious.

"Go ahead. But don't take too long because they're doing an activity." our prof said.

I gulped hard as I slowly stood up and went to Kazuha with my head down. As soon as we were outside, she closed the door and took my hand.

"What was that?" she questioned in a low tone.

"What was what?" I asked in return, not daring to look back up at her.

"I came here because Garam and Eunchae told me that you were looking for me. And when I show up, I see you close with Chaewon?!" she fumed.

"It's not what you think it is. We were doing an activity and--"

"What kind of activity requires you to go hold her hand and be so close with her?" she scoffed.

I gulped once again and felt sweat trickle down my head as I looked anywhere but her.

"I told you, it's not what you think it is--"

I didn't get to finish my sentence when her finger held my chin and lifted my head up. But I kept my gaze away from her.

"Why won't you look me in the eye and say that it was nothing, then? Are you lying?" she muttered.

I took every ounce of courage that I had and finally looked at her. Her face was emotionless, but her eyes carried those feelings.

"It was nothing." I told her, pulling my face away from her touch.

"I was looking for you a while ago because I wanted to talk. But it seems that you were somewhere else." I added, looking away.

"There was an emergency." she explained.

This time, she looked a bit sad. I returned my gaze back to her and saw her teary eyes, so I immediately felt alarmed.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I'll tell you later. For now, what was it you wanted to tell me?" she sniffed and forced out a smile, returning my gaze sweetly.

"Oh, well about that... I think you already know." I told her while scratching my cheek lightly.

"Hm?" she hummed, looking at me confusingly.

"Chaewon... She... We both have all our classes together." I finally blurted out.

I let out a small smile, hoping that it would at least make the atmosphere lighter. But she just stared at me again, her lips not uttering any words.

"Don't worry though. We're just seatmates, nothing more." I assured her, but she was as still as a statue.

"And I know my boundaries. I won't do anything stupid--"

I immediately pursed my lips when she stepped closer to me. I took a step backwards, but there was only the wall. How cliché.

"What are you doing?" I asked her, putting my hands on her shoulder to prevent her from coming any closer.

"Stay. Away. From her." she lowly muttered.

"Why? She hasn't done any harm to me--"

"I don't like her. Isn't that enough reason?" she said.

"Okay, okay I get your point. You don't have to be this close for me to hear you." I gently pushed her away, being careful as to not be rude.

"Why? You were this close with her earlier. Can't I get that close too?" she grinned.

Then again, she put her face closer to mine with that smirk on her lips. My hands on her shoulder were useless against her strength, and my back hit the wall again.

How weak can I get?

"I see you were this close." she claimed.

I can feel my face heat up, but it worsened when I noticed her eyes drift down onto my lips.

What the--

"And she was looking at you like this." she whispered.

I could almost squeak due to the small distance between us, so I tapped her shoulder repeatedly to signal her that I give up.

My heartbeat increased its pace when she placed a kiss on my cheek, pulling away and giving me a huge smile afterwards.

"You're blushing hard." she teased.

It felt like the halls were too hot all of a sudden that my face got more warm, now I couldn't even look her in the eye.

"Anyway, I don't want your professor to get mad at you for missing this activity. I'll be going ahead, hm?" she told me, caressing my cheek for a while before walking away.

What the hell just happened?

I stood frozen for a while, until I got back to my senses then went inside the room.

Thankfully, it was like nothing happened between me and Chaewon. In all of our remaining classes, we were just quiet and we didn't even interact with one another.

I was walking to the bus stop, hoping that I would pass by Kazuha.

"Y/n." until I felt that familiar touch on my arm.

I looked back and a smile almost instantly formed in my lips, which she returned.

"Kazuha, I was going to look for you here." I told her.

"I was looking for you too." she smiled.

We both waited for the bus, her hand smoothly gliding into mine. She intertwined our fingers together, and once again I felt that weird sensation in my stomach.

As if it was on cue, I remembered what happened earlier. What she did in the hallway.

"Anyway, what was the emergency you were saying a while ago?" I asked her, clearing my throat to take my mind off the weird things.

"Oh, that..." she sighed.

"You know that my parents are in Netherlands for a business, right?" she started.

I hummed and nodded my head as a response.

"Well, their secretary called me earlier. I had to go to the company to take care of something." she explained.

"Oh. What's the matter though?" I questioned.

"The thing is, I need to go there for a while." she answered.

I could feel her thumb rubbing circles in the back of my hand, and she was only looking down while talking.

"Is it bad?" I asked.

"I-- I'm not sure. I just don't want to." she admitted.

"Why? If it's important, you can excuse yourself from all the classes that you'll miss." I suggested.

"It's not that." she mumbled.

"Plus, what do you mean going 'there'? You mean--" I didn't get to continue speaking when she turned to me with sad eyes.

"Y/n, I'm going to leave. And I don't know for how long."

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