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Your P.O.V.

"Did you miss me, love?"

My jaw immediately dropped wide open. My eyes could almost gauge out right now, and it felt like my soul just left me.

"Kazuha?!" I shrieked.

She put up a smirk and went to embrace me tightly.

"Hmmm. I missed you. It feels good to touch you again." she whispered into my ear.

Too much was happening all at once. Chaewon somehow rejecting me, Kazuha being here instead of being at the other side of the world... And her calling me 'love'???

Is she drunk too? Or maybe I'm the one who's drunk... Am I still asleep?

She pulled away, and held my shoulders as she lowered her head a bit to stare at me since she was taller.

"How have you been?" she asked.

"A-are you... What are you doing here?" I questioned.

"Well, our business was now stable and I just dealt with a few paperworks. I'm back for good now." she smiled.

"But... You were just there when we were talking--"

"Oh, the call earlier? Yeah, I had to end it because I had to go to my flight. Were you surprised?" she replied with a huge grin.

I don't know exactly what to feel. I'm happy that she's here, but it all seems so sudden. I can't even speak properly right now.

"Obviously, I guess we can say I got you speechless." she giggled.

I forced out a small smile and looked down. Then my gaze traveled to where Chaewon's car drove off to in a distance.

I felt Kazuha's hand slide onto mine, and felt her presence closer.

"Shall we go home now? I feel tired from the flight." she asked.

I simply nodded my head and just let her take me to their car. Because right now, I don't think my brain can process any more information.

Even as I was walking to school, with Kazuha holding my hand beside me, I couldn't believe it. My head was still trying to grasp the fact that she's here again, and it doesn't help that I'm really feeling down because of Chaewon.

"Y/n, you know I really missed you. But you've been too quiet since--"

"Oh, right. Last night, why were you there? Shouldn't you come home first after a long flight?" I asked her.

It was too odd of a coincidence. And I still remember how she called me "love". It reminded me of the letters that I kept receiving, but there's no way that Kazuha had something to do with it since she wasn't even here.

"Well, I wanted to grab something to eat so that I would just rest when I come home." she replied, her gaze kept ahead.

I nodded my head and just continued to walk all the way to our room.

I was expecting to see Chaewon already inside, but her seat was empty. I know that I was rejected, but I really wanted to see her.

"What are you doing over there? You should sit here beside me." Kazuha said and pointed at where Chaewon was supposed to be.

"That's... not my seat anymore." I stated.

"Why not? No one's--" before she can continue, the person I have been waiting for finally came and sat there.

"You're here." Chaewon blankly told Kazuha.

"Why? You scared that I would take something from you?" she replied.

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