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Your P.O.V.

"So, you finally gave me your number?"

"I know, I know. I'm sorry, Yujin. But I reeaally need your help right now." I said.

"What is it? It seems urgent considering that you only contacted my number now."

"Yeah, but now is a great time. Can I come over? I really need an escape." I pleaded.

I waited for her response for a few seconds. I knew it was too bold for me to ask to come over, but she was the only one I can call.

"Sure. You still remember the address here, right?"

"Yeah, I'll come over."

"I'll wait for you outside."

After dropping the call, I thanked my past self for remembering my surroundings that night of Yujin's party.

I didn't bring any money with me, so I just walked all the way to her house. I know, I'm dumb.

After finally arriving at her house, I stopped to rest at their front lawn. Heck, I think I've had enough exercise for a whole week. Before I can take a step, I felt a vibration on my phone and opened it to see a message from Kazuha.

Stay still. I know where you are.

I immediately looked around, then from a block away I can see a car driving to this direction. Panic rushed through my body so I ran to their front door, and in an instant it opened to reveal Yujin.

"Are you okay? What's the rush--"

"Yujin, she's coming here." I panted.

"What? Who?" she asked.

From a distance, I can hear the car screeching to a stop. I felt my heart go crazy in nervousness and my body felt wobbly as I thought of what to do.

"Y/n, what's going on? Who is that?" she then pointed behind, but I didn't bother looking.

I was supposed to reply, but then I saw Yujin's expression. When I heard the car door close, she looked shocked that her mouth flung open.


My words were cut off when her hands held my neck and suddenly pulled me in for a kiss. I was too surprised to move or to react in any way. All I felt was this crazy beating inside my chest and her soft lips on mine.

I didn't have any idea why she was kissing me, but it made me want to pray for her. I mean, if Kazuha was seeing this right now... I don't even wanna know what would happen.

It was quiet. We stayed in our position until we both heard the car driving away. And it was then that Yujin slowly pulled away and looked around.

"She's gone." she whispered.

"What was that?" I asked.

She then showed a small smile and chuckled lightly. Her hands moving to grab my hand as she held their door open.

"Let's go inside for now, it's getting cold." she stated.

Almost all the lights were now turned off, and her parents were probably asleep

"I'm sorry for being a disturbance." I apologized in a low voice.

"Yeah, you should make up for it." she sighed.

I looked at her as she turned around with a serious expression. Then a smile slowly made its way to her lips with a wave of her hand.

"I was joking, jeez. You can't take a joke?" she laughed.

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