CHAPTER TEN- Pedro vs Augusta

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"Thank you for coming. We're delighted to have you," Pedro's mum and dad said with warm smiles. They welcomed Augusta's parents at the door, exchanged handshakes and other minor chit chat before walking towards the dinning room.

Pedro stood by looking at his parents and his sister, Isabella. As usual, they were in formal clothes for dinner. His dad and mum wore color coordinated but non identical colors. The former, a white business shirt and navy trousers and the latter, a sky blue short sleeved dress. A subtle business strategy they always used to present a united front.

Standing in the doorway, Pedro adjusted the collar of his green shirt and dusted his crisp brown trousers. A hint of disappointment flickered in his chest at Augusta's apparent absence. She had made herself quite clear about where she stood concerning him. He could not believe how freaking stupid he had been to expect her to show up. Pedro's heart hardened a fraction as he turned to close the door.

"Pedro, wait!"

He spun on his heel and resisted the urge to flare his eyes with shock. Augusta stepped out of her parent's Jeep and walked up the driveway. She had a mint green shirt dress on, cinched at the waist with a brown belt. Augusta looked gorgeous, and he was delighted to see her.

"Augusta, what's up?" Pedro asked in a cool voice. "I didn't think you were coming." His eyes surveyed her cute outfit, and he bit his lip with cheeky amusement. They were color coordinated, and Augusta's analytical mind would blow like fireworks on the fourth of July.

"Yeah. Sorry, I took time in the car." Augusta pointed in the wrong direction as spoke about the family car.

"Alright, let's go—"

"Oh my goodness!" Augusta's hand flew to her mouth. "This is awkward. I can't believe this. We're both in green and brown clothes. What are our parents going to think? Maybe—"

Pedro put a gentle hand on her lower back and looked into her eyes. "Calm down and breathe," he whispered. "It's just a coincidence, and they'll probably be too busy to notice."

For the first time in over a month, they stood still and silent in close proximity to each other. Time was suspended and everything else faded away. Breaking the ice, Pedro tilted his head and leaned forward. Augusta's eyes fluttered shut and her breath hitched.

"I just wanted to close the door," Pedro stated in a husky voice as he reached around her and tapped it shut. He did not break eye contact.

Augusta's eyes snapped open and she scowled at him, but her eyes twinkled. "What the heck were you waiting for?" she asked. Side stepping him, she strutted into the house.


"How gracious of you to join us. Brown and green are pleasant environmental colors," Pedro's dad said to Pedro and Augusta with a subtle smirk. He stroked his jaw, took a slow sip of water and observed them as they approached the table.

Pedro smiled but gave his Dad a stern 'please don't embarrass me look'. His Dad winked in return when Augusta wasn't looking.

"Thank you, sir," Augusta replied.

Before she could join her parents at their side of the table, Pedro drew a chair for her beside his. She narrowed her eyes in suspicion, but expressed her gratitude as she sat on it.

"How sweet of you, young man," Augusta's mum cooed. "Chivalry is not dead."

Everyone settled down at the table, and Pedro said the grace before they commenced their dinner.

Augusta's mum smiled. "And he prays too."

"Mum!" Augusta whisper yelled.

After the initial awkwardness, the dinner was eaten in a comfortable silence. Only a few polite comments from Augusta's parents about the delicious food, and courteous replies from Pedro's mum were spoken.

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