Chapter 26

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Harry POV
We entered the Burrow and Bellatrix Lestrange immediately walked over. One of the men who had captured us said:"This must be Harry Potter, mrs. Lestrange. He was accompanied by these two." Bellatrix smiled her crazy smile. "Ronald, dear, mind to help a little?" Ron walked over, slightly trembling. "Now, you have spend time with famous Harry Potter. Is this him?" Ron bend down in front of me. "I- I can't be sure." He stood up and glanced at Bellatrix, who stared at one of the men. "Where did you get that sword?" "The boy had it. It's mine now." She screamed. "It's mine! Put the boys in the basement, the girl is staying with me for a little girl-to-girl chat." Hermione shot us a terrified glance as the men pushed us through a trapdoor. "Harry?" Luna walked over, as did a goblin and mr. Ollivander, the wandmaker. We were catching up a little, when we heard Hermione screaming. Draco and me looked at each other and nodded. Draco grabbed the goblin and mr. Ollivander, I grabbed Luna and we ran up the stairs. I disarmed Ron, Draco stupefied someone I didn't know the name of. "Stop!" We turned around, saw Hermione standing still, Bellatrix holding a knife to her throat.

Draco POV
We all froze, and I looked over at Harry to see if you knew what to do. He was standing still, eyes fixed on the chandelier above Bellatrix's head. He seemed to be muttering something through clenched teeth, his lips barely moving. A small house-elf popped up behind him, saw where he was looking at and used his magic to make the chandelier fall. As soon as the chandelier fell, Harry jumped forwards, grabbed Hermione's wrist and pulled her forward. Bellatrix, who had been distracted with Harry, jumped backwards just in time to avoid the chandelier. "Dobby, now!" The house-elf Disapparated us, and Bellatrix threw her knife.

~huge time skip, Dobby died, they destroyed the cup and the tiara, Snape's dead and Harry's about to enter the forest~

"Harry, you aren't seriously going there, are you?" "I have no choice Hermione." I stood next to Blaise, behind Hermione. "You do have a choice." Harry sighed. "Hermione, I've known why I can feel the Horcruxes for a while now, and I'm sure you also know." He hugged Hermione, hugged Blaise, kissed me, turned around and walked away. "Hermione, why-" "Harry is a Horcrux."


"Harry Potter is dead!" I froze. All the Death Eaters laughed. Hermione screamed "No!" and ran towards Voldemort, Blaise could grab her just in time. I turned around and walked away. Into the Great Hall, where I started to help with taking care of the injured. After a while, people started to laugh and celebrate. "You-Know-Who is gone!" I didn't care. Harry was also gone. Suddenly, Bellatrix burst into the Great Hall, and started to shoot curses at random. She tried to hit me, my mother jumped in front of me and killed Bellatrix. I walked over to the window and looked outside. Two arms sneaked around my chest and someone placed a gentle kiss on my neck. "Thinking about me?" I turned around, facing Harry, and hugged him. "Never scare me like that again." "I won't."

~five months later~

"I pronounce you now, Mr. and Mr. Potter-Malfoy." We turned around, facing my parents, Blaise and Hermione, and Professor McGonagall, all clapping and smiling. Four months ago, I proposed to Harry and now we're married.

~fifteen years later~

"Aww, that's such a cute story Dad!" I smiled, looking at my four kids. A few years after I married Harry, we decided to have kids, and here I am, with four beautiful children around me. James Lucius Potter-Malfoy, our eldest son, Albus Severus Potter-Malfoy, our second son, Lily Narcissa Potter-Malfoy, our only daughter, and Sirius Remus Potter-Malfoy, your youngest son. We lived at Hogwarts, since Harry got the job of DADA teacher, and I took over Madam Pomfrey's job as Healer at Hogwarts. "I'm home!" "Papa!" The kids ran towards Harry, I stood up and wrapped my arms around him, kissing his forehead. "What took you so long?" He grinned. "Kids, dad and I will be right back." He grabbed my hands and pulled me into the kitchen. "Can you help? I can't get these annoying things off of me." He rolled up his sleeve, revealing a large bandage. I gasped. "Sweet Merlin, what happened to you?" "What, never seen the afterworks of a tattoo?" I smacked his good arm. "You didn't get a tattoo." "Why yes, I did. And I'm not sixteen anymore." I laughed, starting to get the bandages off of his arm. I gasped when I saw his tattoo. "Wow, that's so sweet." I pulled him in a kiss.  (A/N something like this I couldn't get the position right. For the people who can't read the writing: You were there through my darkest times That's why I love you, Draco)

 For the people who can't read the writing: You were there through my darkest times That's why I love you, Draco)

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