Since childhood

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This story is on the special request of laviniagazsi and I'm sorry if you didn't like the few changes I made

"Will you both be alright?" Arthit's mother asked

"Yes mom, we will both be alright" arthit replied

"Also we have uncle Sam at home with us, we will be alright aunty" kongpob reasoned out

"Too wise for an eleven and a thirteen year old, aren't you both?" Arthit's mother chuckled softly

Both the boys grinned in response, Arthit's mother quickly bent down, placing a tender kiss on both the boy's forehead before bidding them goodbyes who waved back cheerfully

Arthit's parents and kongpob's parents were going out on a business trip, they weren't the rich CEO's of a typical k drama, but instead had a rather shabby buisness

It was a start up, Arthit's father and kongpob's father were best of friends since their childhood, even after they got married, their friendship never grew distant and now their wives were inseparable as well

All of them had started a buisness together, alongside Arthit's father's and Kongpob's father's jobs, their business was of computers, their job was to buy the parts of the computers from companies, assemble them and then sell it with their tag

The buisness wasn't working that great but their jobs handled their monthly expenses quite well, making them a happy, normal, middle class family

Though today, they had gone over to the other side of the city, for a contract they had received, a company had offered them to assemble the computers and sell it to them, it wasn't a very favourable offer, but as said, something is better than nothing and so they agreed

Arthit and Kongpob, since they almost live together are best of friends as well, nothing that arthit likes is disliked by kongpob and nothing that Kongpob dislikes is liked by arthit, they are typical soulmates of the town

Kongpob was nine while arthit was eleven, there was not one word by arthit that Kongpob could deny, that was how much he respected and loved his p, while there was not a moment when arthit did not pamper Kongpob, that was how much he adored and loved his nong

"Kong, don't do that, you are going to get hurt that way" arthit yelled at Kongpob, who was trying his best to grab the box of chocolates placed on the top shelf by standing tip toed on a tower of chair and stools

Kongpob immediately jumped off the tower, standing beside it with a frown and pout decorating his face, as he fixed his eyes at the floor

"Do you have any idea how much it would hurt to fall from there? When aunty comes home and scolds you, don't come running to me to tell her to not scold you further" arthit scolded the junior

"I just wanted chocolates p" kongpob mumbled, fidgeting with his fingers

Arthit's eyes softened, he could never get angry at this kid, although he was a kid himself, he treated kongpob like a baby, protecting him, pampering him like a mother would do

"Wait right there" arthit replied, before slowly and carefully climbing up the tower of chairs and stools

Kongpob lifted up his gaze towards arthit, his fingers crossed hoping for arthit to climb back down safely

Kongpob let out a breath, he didn't know he was holding when arthit crawled back down safely, with a bunch of chocolates in his hand 

Arthit opened his tiny fist and Kongpob quickly grabbed the chocolates, flashing him a silly grin as arthit chuckled fondly

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